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wwc-pajio 03-20-2006 08:59 PM

Hello Evryone! New in this Boards.
My name is Pajio and i'm new in this Forum. I work in sales in World Wide Content. We sell Adult content!

I just want to say that i liked this Forum and it's well organized with nice colors!

Thank you..

Evil Chris 03-20-2006 09:10 PM

Welcome Pajio... I know a couple people over at WWC.
Now I know you too. :)

lazzlo 03-21-2006 04:31 AM


gabrio 03-21-2006 06:32 AM

welcome on the board!

Funbrunette 03-21-2006 09:58 AM

Hello and welcome! :D

BaLoT 03-21-2006 12:25 PM

am also new on this forum!! hope i am welcum here!

wwc-pajio 03-21-2006 01:17 PM

thank you guys.. i really appreciate it! ;) :)

Funbrunette 03-21-2006 01:19 PM


Originally posted by BaLoT
am also new on this forum!! hope i am welcum here!
Of course you're welcome too! :xhappy: The more the merrier!

BaLoT 03-21-2006 01:34 PM

well thanks mam! am also lookin for some web/gfx projects here...if ever they lyk my works...=]

Panky 03-21-2006 01:49 PM

Welcum to XNations! http://www.icando4u.com/smile/wave2.gif

BaLoT 03-21-2006 02:12 PM

seems that ur are almost based on canada.=]

thanks guys..for welcumin..

for u guys info am from philippines...are filipino guys lyk me welcum here?=]

MorganGrayson 03-21-2006 02:21 PM

BaLoT...Hello. http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/wavey.gif
We have members from all over the planet...as well as one or two we suspect are from other planets and possibly alternate dimensions. :)
Those from the Phillapines are most welcome.

Hello, Pajio! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/wavey.gif
Welcome to XNations! :xparrot:

BaLoT 03-21-2006 02:30 PM

thanks mr morgan!

oooppsss...am invadin pajio's thread! =]

MorganGrayson 03-21-2006 02:37 PM


Originally posted by BaLoT
thanks mr morgan!

oooppsss...am invadin pajio's thread! =]

You are most welcome, BaLot...but I am, in fact, "Ms." Morgan...or just "Morgan," preferably. :)

And...you are "joining" Pajio's thread, not "invading" it. :)

Sometimes one "new" person saying hello makes other "new" people feel comfortable about saying hello as well. It's a good thing. :)

BaLoT 03-21-2006 02:47 PM

oki oki....salamat po! (means "thank you")

and sorry also...for calling you MR...hehehe...(gulp) ms morgan....u got a very manly name...thought ur 1 of the hardman here..hehe

so then...i say hello to u guys and gals again! =]

wwc-pajio 03-21-2006 02:48 PM

You must be watching alot of Planet things and Invading!!!!

Nice meet you all by the way.. :)

wwc-pajio 03-21-2006 02:49 PM

Balot. Dou you speak arabic???

MorganGrayson 03-21-2006 03:11 PM


Originally posted by BaLoT
oki oki....salamat po! (means "thank you")

and sorry also...for calling you MR...hehehe...(gulp) ms morgan....u got a very manly name...thought ur 1 of the hardman here..hehe

so then...i say hello to u guys and gals again! =]

Not to worry, BaLot. :)
I get called "Mr." a lot.

Most of the time...it's because of the name. Occasionally, though....

BaLoT 03-21-2006 04:14 PM

salamalaykum musalam

Originally posted by wwc-pajio
Balot. Dou you speak arabic???

does is sounds like that?

"salamat" is our way saying thanks...

hehehe...nope dude...its tagalog language...the main language used in the philippines...=]

yeah! i watched a lot of movies and even playing games in terms of "invading":D

also salamat for havin me in ur thread..;)

wwc-pajio 03-21-2006 04:27 PM

I thought you speak arabic.. coz it means (hello in arabic) :D

You're welcome man..

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