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Evil Chris 03-22-2006 10:02 AM

Is Terrell Owens an idiot?
Maybe not an idiot, but just may be the most egotistic, pompous, self-conceited, self-important, self-satisfied, smug athlete I have ever witnessed in my life.


I'll be waiting for him to get spun 360 degrees whilst attempting to catch one down the middle.

Dravyk 03-22-2006 11:17 AM

We so miss him in Philly ....


Evil Chris 03-22-2006 11:20 AM

I take it you're looking forward to that big hit as well Drav... :)

Nickatilynx 03-22-2006 11:48 AM

Oh yes the American Tradition of making steroided freaks wear tights and play Rugby.

Very very gay....


Dravyk 03-22-2006 12:20 PM

Gee he's singing. And he says he "dominates like Shaq". Ok.

You know, we've had some characters in Philly sports over the years, but TO makes Charles Barkly look a shy school teacher wearing glasses and sensible shoes. ::-|

MorganGrayson 03-22-2006 03:26 PM


Originally posted by Dravyk
Gee he's singing. And he says he "dominates like Shaq". Ok.

You know, we've had some characters in Philly sports over the years, but TO makes Charles Barkly look a shy school teacher wearing glasses and sensible shoes. ::-|

I don't even know who Ownes *is,* but I love that remark, Drav. :xthumbs:

(I do know who Charles Barkley is.) :)

Evil Chris 03-22-2006 09:33 PM

I can't even think of someone comparable to Owens.

Ali got away with it because he was indeed, the greatest. And we loved that he was.

Nickatilynx 03-23-2006 11:04 AM

You are too young , Chris.

Ali sold tickets by making himself out to be the "uppity nigga".

He wasn't loved initially.

People bought tickets to see him get beat.

Evil Chris 03-23-2006 11:11 AM

I'm sure you're right Nick, but how long did that last?
He proved himself practically overnight and made everyone a believer.

Owens will never be remembered in the same way.

Nickatilynx 03-23-2006 11:36 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I'm sure you're right Nick, but how long did that last?
He proved himself practically overnight and made everyone a believer.

No he ididn't.

When he beat Liston for the heavyweight title , they thought it was a sham thought Liston would beat him in the rematch.

Then they thought Liston laid down.

The white majority were waiting with baited breath for him to be beat

Yadda Yadda...

They stripped him of his title. ( yeah the White majority loved him at that time. NOT!!! He was a member of the Nation of Islam who at that time and fronkly even to this date is viewed by many whites as ummm...scary)

"No Viet Cong ever called me Nigger" - Ali

He only became universally loved and admired in his latter career.

And he did that in fact in part by intentionally doing this "Look folks , I is the good nigga , that Joe Frasier / George Foreman is the big dumb ugly uneducated black man"

A fact for which he apologised to Joe frasier for later in life.

One could say he became the darling of the United States once he was knocked out by Parkinsons and the once proud articulate strong man became a shuffling shadow of his former self.

Don Soporno 03-23-2006 12:56 PM

Nick's pretty much got it right on the mark there, even with his phrasings...lol

Now back on subject with T.O.

T.O. is a whiny little biatch, he can play no doubt but he is not the caliber player that he believes himself to be. If he was half as good as he claims he is then he should be playing more than one sport. I would go as far as saying no one in the world is or could ever be as good as T.O. is in his own mind.

Quagmire 03-23-2006 12:57 PM

Someone needs to set up a pay per view event where Owens gets beaten into a coma with his own fucking helmet.

His attitude sickens me.

Evil Chris 03-23-2006 01:11 PM

We need more Cam Neelys, Wayne Gretzkys, and Bobby Orrs in sports.

Dravyk 03-23-2006 01:51 PM

Back to Ali. And his constant on-screen companion, Howard Cosell, both annoyed me when I first saw them. By a few years time, I thought they were both great individually and a blast together. :)

On another note, Ali's daughter is "all that and a bag of chips." :D

war_ner 03-23-2006 10:52 PM

I can't stand the man's attitude. Good luck to his new team.

King Adam 03-24-2006 01:20 PM

I love TO. He's one of the best athletes around. He's one of the best sports entertainers. And he alwasy gets paid.

You gotta love it.

TheEnforcer 03-24-2006 02:57 PM

I SOOOOO want to see that NFL Films moment of him stretching out for a pass and someonelike Joh Lynch just exploding into him just underneath the chin full speed!

Don Soporno 03-24-2006 04:56 PM


Originally posted by TheEnforcer
I SOOOOO want to see that NFL Films moment of him stretching out for a pass and someonelike Joh Lynch just exploding into him just underneath the chin full speed!

YEa that would be a nice highlight reel.

I had him on my fantasy team last year and was very happy when I logged in after the fantasy draft and saw his name. Then all hell broke loose...lol What a fucktard.

Jimmidean 03-24-2006 05:32 PM

Yep he is an idiot.
A talented idiot but an idiot none the less.

Quagmire 03-25-2006 09:04 AM

I think there is a huge difference between being a showman, and being an ignorant assclown. Owens falls directly in to the assclown category.

If he were as talented as he wanted everyone to believe he wouldn't need to act the way he does.

Don Soporno 03-25-2006 03:37 PM


Originally posted by Quagmire
I think there is a huge difference between being a showman, and being an ignorant assclown. Owens falls directly in to the assclown category.

If he were as talented as he wanted everyone to believe he wouldn't need to act the way he does.

Assclown...HAHAHAHAAHHAHA You dont hear many people us the word Assclown. It is one of my favorites, I mean honestly, can you say assclown without smiling?? I think not!

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