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Evil Chris 03-24-2006 02:44 PM

Question about Google Images
I've been getting a lot of hits to a page of mine from Google Images.
I think I could be getting more though.

Is there anyone who knows how to further harness Google Images for more page hits?

MorganGrayson 03-24-2006 03:12 PM

I've done a lot of searches for Google images for avatars.

The pics come up by name and by keywords on the page that are relevant to my search, pic name being high ranked...usually.

So, as a guess, I'd say name your pics with the keywords that searchers would be most likely to use.

One amateur's opinion, of course, and rather an obvious one at that. :)

Evil Chris 03-24-2006 04:22 PM

Well the funny thing is that the image name is front_1a.jpg

Which has nothing to do with the search criteria! LOL

Bhelliom 03-24-2006 04:31 PM

From what I understand of that whole process is that the pic name, as well as whatever you have it named in you code... IE what its set to be called if there is a red X... are crawled and ranked. I'd imagine if you set them properly wiht keywords that may improve traffic from that source.

Evil Chris 03-24-2006 04:37 PM

I'll keep playing with it.

SE's are frustrating now. They're supposed to be smarter, and in some ways they are and in many ways they sure aren't.

DonMike 03-24-2006 04:50 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Well the funny thing is that the image name is front_1a.jpg

Which has nothing to do with the search criteria! LOL

Is it a picture of your "front", Evil Chris? If it is, it must be quite impressive if it's rated both a "1" and an "A".

Hee hee. :blush:

MorganGrayson 03-24-2006 04:58 PM


Originally posted by DonMike
Is it a picture of your "front", Evil Chris? If it is, it must be quite impressive if it's rated both a "1" and an "A".

Hee hee. :blush:


A winner, DonMike! :xthumbs:

DonMike 03-24-2006 06:05 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson

A winner, DonMike! :xthumbs:

Hee hee. I'm such a stinker. :P

MorganGrayson 03-26-2006 04:36 PM


Originally posted by DonMike
Hee hee. I'm such a stinker. :P
But a most cuddly and loveable one. :)

DonMike 03-27-2006 12:30 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
But a most cuddly and loveable one. :)
Awww. This is the first thing I've read this fine Monday morning. Thank you Morgan. ;)

I was in Vegas this weekend. Had an awesome time. But it took us 7 and a half hours to get back, when it usually takes 5 at the very most. We got in late and I'm so tired today. So this was a very nice thing to see as the first post of the day. :)

MediaGuy 03-30-2006 12:14 PM

google has a really but really long indexing period for images, from what i've noticed.

I noticed that the name of the image is irrelevant also, but that the text content of the page damn well better be... or you'll get incongruous images in relation to the search term... but again, image SEO is a long-term investment with few initial returns. I have images posted last year that got indexed but never returned relevant results until just recently - easily 6 to eight months later. But what a difference!

MorganGrayson 03-30-2006 12:54 PM


Originally posted by DonMike
Awww. This is the first thing I've read this fine Monday morning. Thank you Morgan. ;)

I was in Vegas this weekend. Had an awesome time. But it took us 7 and a half hours to get back, when it usually takes 5 at the very most. We got in late and I'm so tired today. So this was a very nice thing to see as the first post of the day. :)


Thank you.

I haven't been to Vegas in ages. It's a 6 hour drive from here, with a stop off in Barstow for munchies at the train station place. I always get a Pina Colada Jelly Belly fix there.

John Temple 04-10-2006 06:45 PM

Give your pics an appropriate name and ALT.
Place them on a page with keyword content.


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