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IFRvideo 03-27-2006 07:26 PM

IFRvideo Press Releases - Spring 2006
IFRvideo Press Releases - Spring 2006
will be placed in this thread.

IFRvideo 03-27-2006 07:27 PM

IFRvideo Press Release #13

IFRvideo Press Release #13
March 27, 2006

1. Same Sex 03 (Part 2) -
This week IFRvideo.com released the second installment of their third Same Sex Feature:
IFRVIDEO17 : Same Sex 03 (Part 2) - AngelBaby and Samantha
15:55 | 640x480 WMV | 2073 Kbps | copyright 2006 by IFRvideo.com | all rights reserved

Starring AngelBaby with her partner Samantha, this concludes the feature from IFRvideo12.
All IFRvideo features are part of our Adult Affiliates program, which earn you 44% on each sale.
Visit the Adult Affiliates Section at http://ifrvideo.com

2. IFRvideo.com Public Images Updates (Open Access) -
This week IFRvideo.com has allowed general public access for all the galleries at SOS - PI. To used advanced functions such as eCards and LightBoxes, you still must register with a valid email address.
Now, quality screen shots will be posted at least twice a week for each of the 5 genres at IFRvideo.

Public Relations


IFRvideo is a company that offers exclusive rotating weekly features in five different sexual genres (Opposite Sex/Transsexual/Domination/Same Sex/Solo Sex) with high production values, dynamic editing and fresh, young, exciting talent.

Nickatilynx 03-27-2006 10:18 PM

Re: IFRvideo Press Releases - Spring 2006

Originally posted by IFRvideo
IFRvideo Press Releases - Spring 2006
will be placed in this thread.

Thank R-n you posted.

I was on edge waiting to find out what it was.

That minute wait , nearly drove me mad...


IFRvideo 03-27-2006 10:52 PM

Love your Icon Nick.
Say hi to Steph from me.

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