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Dravyk 03-29-2006 01:22 AM

People & Threads Nobody Reads
Ok, this has nothing to do with this board. Not in particular anyway. In fact this doesn't go against any board anywhere ... but it does "go against" some posters ....

Jumping around from board to board day after day -- and we've all seen this -- posts by certain folks or on certain topics that ... well, frankly, no one gives a rat's ass about.

But you keep seeing them. Relentlessly, tenaciously and moronicly posting the same things, over and over, that have no replies, the fewest views, and yet they just keep on doing it.

My question is, how stupid are they that they don't get it???? :huh:

Again, not one poster in particular, a slew of them, across many boards, thinking their selves or their topic is of great importance. Don't they ever notice no one reads a damned thing they say? Aren't they embarrassed or even get a freaking clue (apparently not), that while other threads have bunches of replies or 20X the views, that no one cares what they say?

(I know, I've opened myself to some great retorts from Nick and Ant.) But seriously ... I just wonder why those folks don't get it? Are they thick as rocks? Stupider than moss? (Again, apparently, yes they are.)

Ok, done with my rant. :getya:

Funbrunette 03-29-2006 07:43 AM

Re: People & Threads Nobody Reads

Originally posted by Dravyk
Ok, this has nothing to do with this board. Not in particular anyway. In fact this doesn't go against any board anywhere ... but it does "go against" some posters ....

Jumping around from board to board day after day -- and we've all seen this -- posts by certain folks or on certain topics that ... well, frankly, no one gives a rat's ass about.

But you keep seeing them. Relentlessly, tenaciously and moronicly posting the same things, over and over, that have no replies, the fewest views, and yet they just keep on doing it.

My question is, how stupid are they that they don't get it???? :huh:

Again, not one poster in particular, a slew of them, across many boards, thinking their selves or their topic is of great importance. Don't they ever notice no one reads a damned thing they say? Aren't they embarrassed or even get a freaking clue (apparently not), that while other threads have bunches of replies or 20X the views, that no one cares what they say?

(I know, I've opened myself to some great retorts from Nick and Ant.) But seriously ... I just wonder why those folks don't get it? Are they thick as rocks? Stupider than moss? (Again, apparently, yes they are.)

Ok, done with my rant. :getya:

I'm just shocked to hear that there's other boards and that you frequent them! :eek: lol
Happy HUMP day sweetie!

Nickatilynx 03-29-2006 11:09 AM

A little cunty this am? LOL

I'm not saying you are wrong btw....

As you know one of the reasons I got bored with Oprano was the fact I'd end up having the same arguments over and over again and frankly I will scream what I always wanted to scream on there , here..

"""You fucking dopey moron everyone that agrees with me is rich and everyone that agrees with you is poor."""

Now I don't have to be nice to people

( Yes , for me whilst I was there I was quite nice to people LOL)

Stephane76 03-29-2006 11:37 AM

in a bad mood eh ? :(

MorganGrayson 03-29-2006 11:54 AM

Drav...the reason they don't get it is because *they* don't read their own posts, which means they don't check the responses and/or page views. Their job is to make a fly-by post and go on to the next board. Or, if not job, hobby.

However...and I just know you felt that "however" way over there in Philly :D ...to do anything about these posters ("do anything" like smack 'em or post "who gives a shit?" in their threads) rises an ugly aspect of censorship. Or worse...the junior high school gym class equivelent of only choosing the popular kids for the team.

You and I have happily killed time playing vocabulary swordfights that I know left many people cold...as well as confused. (Nick and I have done the same thing, but people hesitated before flinging barbs like "get a room!" at Nick...not so with the two of us. Nick *will* tell them - in his own unique, delightfully obscene way - where to put their suggestion. You and I just shrug and ignore.)

We need to be a little more kind and patient with each other. Buried in the midst of the numbers of people who do flyby posts are a few who just want to play, too, but don't know how.

Dravyk 03-29-2006 05:16 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Drav...the reason they don't get it is because *they* don't read their own posts, which means they don't check the responses and/or page views. Their job is to make a fly-by post and go on to the next board. Or, if not job, hobby.

However...and I just know you felt that "however" way over there in Philly :D ...to do anything about these posters ("do anything" like smack 'em or post "who gives a shit?" in their threads) rises an ugly aspect of censorship. Or worse...the junior high school gym class equivelent of only choosing the popular kids for the team.

You and I have happily killed time playing vocabulary swordfights that I know left many people cold...as well as confused. (Nick and I have done the same thing, but people hesitated before flinging barbs like "get a room!" at Nick...not so with the two of us. Nick *will* tell them - in his own unique, delightfully obscene way - where to put their suggestion. You and I just shrug and ignore.)

We need to be a little more kind and patient with each other. Buried in the midst of the numbers of people who do flyby posts are a few who just want to play, too, but don't know how.

Oh I don't think "anything should be done about them". I just wonder how many anvils need to fall for some folks to get the message: "no one cares, go dry up in a corner and get a life."

As to "more kind and patient" ... bah humbug and eat my shorts! :D

Cunty? Moi? Never! ;)

MorganGrayson 03-29-2006 05:22 PM


Originally posted by Dravyk
Oh I don't think "anything should be done about them". I just wonder how many anvils need to fall for some folks to get the message: "no one cares, go dry up in a corner and get a life."

As to "more kind and patient" ... bah humbug and eat my shorts! :D

Cunty? Moi? Never! ;)


Dravyk, I have known you for eight years and you have never once suggested that I dine on your under garments!!!! ::-|
(Frankly, that's one of the many things I've always liked about you!)

I'd return the "compliment" if it were't for the many rather obvious comebacks...not to mention the also obvious comments from those who will *FAST* become known as the "peanut gallery" if they say so much as ONE WORD!!!!

I'm outta here!

Dravyk 03-29-2006 08:11 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson

Dravyk, I have known you for eight years and you have never once suggested that I dine on your under garments!!!! ::-|

I thought you'd appreciate a classic "Bartism". :confused:

... Thank gawd I didn't mention what was on the desert menu! ::-|

MorganGrayson 03-29-2006 08:20 PM


Originally posted by Dravyk
I thought you'd appreciate a classic "Bartism". :confused:

This would be the little yellow animated "Bart," one assumes.
I've seen that show all of once...and it was more than enough.


Originally posted by Dravyk
... Thank gawd I didn't mention what was on the desert menu! ::-|
Omigosh. http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/thud.gif

Back AWAY from the Baileys, Dravyk!!!! ::-|

Dravyk 03-29-2006 08:40 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
This would be the little yellow animated "Bart," one assumes.
I've seen that show all of once...and it was more than enough.

Once? Geez! No she will not take Pop Culture for any amount, Alex. ::-|


Back AWAY from the Baileys, Dravyk!!!!
Were I drinking Bailey's, I'd be in a good mood, midear. So nyah!!!

Hell can't even highlight words on here. What is this, the last VB2 board in existance??? (ducking and running)

MorganGrayson 03-29-2006 08:54 PM


Originally posted by Dravyk
Once? Geez! No she will not take Pop Culture for any amount, Alex. ::-|

I'm afraid you've reduced me to basics.
OH, YEAH?!?!?!? http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/rasp.gif


Originally posted by Dravyk
Were I drinking Bailey's, I'd be in a good mood, midear. So nyah!!!
This is true. Nothing quite improves the mood like Baileys. Yum! :D


Originally posted by Dravyk
Hell can't even highlight words on here. What is this, the last VB2 board in existance??? (ducking and running)
Oh, NOW you've done it! You just wait until Chris, FB and Panky get back! You're gonna get a whuppin!
OK...let me rethink that...you'd LIKE it from FB and Panky...better let Chris do the whuppin! :D

Do you have any idea the amount of work that goes into making a response that has THREE quotes in it? I have the feeling we're inadvertantly illustrating the original "pointless posts" subject. Not at all what was originally intended....

MorganGrayson 03-29-2006 08:56 PM

I just checked.

It's had 60 views at this point...so perhaps I'm in error with that last. :D

Dravyk 03-29-2006 09:10 PM

Muhaha! My plan is one step closer to fruition! :rainbow:

MorganGrayson 03-29-2006 09:20 PM


Originally posted by Dravyk
Muhaha! My plan is one step closer to fruition! :rainbow:

I should have known you were up to something! Something wicked this way cometh indeed! :p

Evil Chris 03-30-2006 02:02 AM

To comment on your original post Drav, I agree completely.
One thing that has always bothered me as well are the copy past threads. Now press releases and announcements may not fall into this category. Things need to be announced occasionally and this is the more or less accepted method.

But copy pasting a thread about (for example) how your cat coughed up a hairball this morning to a dozen threads simply for the purpose of getting sig views is "stupider than moss" indeed. :)

Dravyk 03-30-2006 12:53 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
To comment on your original post Drav, I agree completely.
One thing that has always bothered me as well are the copy past threads. Now press releases and announcements may not fall into this category. Things need to be announced occasionally and this is the more or less accepted method.

But copy pasting a thread about (for example) how your cat coughed up a hairball this morning to a dozen threads simply for the purpose of getting sig views is "stupider than moss" indeed. :)

Good points, Chris!

Though even some of those so-called press releases are about as newsworthy as, say ... Nick having taken a dump this morning. :D

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