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SeriousCash 04-07-2006 06:18 AM

Amazing ratio on movie traffic!
Dear Webmaster,

Serious-Cash Partnership Program is proud to present you our newest movie site Teen-Teacher.Com!
We've put our every effort to create a site that will satisfy even your most demanding
. Its eye-catching design, juicy descriptions and exciting high quality movie
samples will make your surfers wanna grab their credit cards and JOIN right away!

For you information March ratio for Teen-Teacher.Com - 1:394 !

All of our featured movies are of the highest quality and with stereo sound - numerous
hardcore scenes featuring gorgeous young models will keep jerkers glued to their
monitors for hours. Convenient interactive interface, live members support, constant
updates and special bonuses for our members - this site has everything to make the
surfers rebill over and over again

Please login to Serious Cash to get promotions tools for the site.

List of available FHG's:


Free hosting is available!

Waste no time and start selling this red-hot product from Serious-Cash.com and you
will be pleasantly surprised with our conversion and rebilling ratios!

Looking forward to working with you.

Serious-Cash Team

SeriousCash 05-29-2006 09:53 AM

On your requests we added a lot of free content for the site

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