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Sin 04-14-2006 12:38 PM

I'm making pancakes!
Mmmm.... its been forever since I've made pancakes, these are awesome! :)

What are you all having for breakfast this morning? :)

MorganGrayson 04-14-2006 02:29 PM

*groan* Coffee. http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/sm...e-computer.gif

Yesterday *was* to be pankcakes and Portuguese Linguisa sausage, but my husband never did make it out to the special store to get the sausage.

We'll take another run at it for Saturday.

When you've got a craving for pancakes, nothing else seems to satisfy....

Sin 04-14-2006 04:35 PM


What type of sausage is that, Morgan?

Dravyk 04-14-2006 05:27 PM

Pancakes. A fav of mine.

I like playing with making different kinds.

Sometimes just plain, sometimes some strawberry preseveres.

One of my favs is banana pancakes. Some times I mix in some apple sauce with that as well. Delish!!

One of my most sinful involves chocolate chips with Godiva/Hershey's chocolate liquor. Mmmm!

Trev 04-14-2006 06:34 PM

Breakfast was hours ago... but in the morning I'm having the Micky'D heart attack special :)

Sin 04-15-2006 01:42 PM

Mmmmm..... pancakes are good even 2 days in a row! :)

MorganGrayson 04-15-2006 03:06 PM

We had the pancakes and sausage last night for supper. :)

Sin...Portuguese Linguisa is a sausage that is popular for breakfast in places in northern California where there is an a heavy Portuguese American population. (This according to my husband who has never met a sausage he didn't like, including chorizo, which I won't go near since I read the wrapper in the grocery. They got just a tad specific on the parts of the animal used for my comfort. TMI is a bad thing where sausage is concerned. Hypocritical of me, yes, as any vegetarian or vegan will tell you "dead animal is dead animal," but personally, I like a bit of ignorance.)

Dravyk...it would be a kindness if your recipe for banana pancakes landed in my inbox! :D I just bought some "straight off the boat" green bananas and I'm waiting for them to ripen - which they will most likely do in 7 minutes. (That's the way it always works. They're too green to eat when you get the "banana craving," and zip rapidly into "better think of something to cook *fast* condition.")

A new kitchen has caused me to morph back into "make it from scratch" land and I have all the ingredients at hand to bake. I'm even going to go back to baking my own bread, something I haven't done in years. I used to do it all the time. My youngest - owner of the huge Kitchen Aid mixer with the dough hook - took over doing that, but she took the mixer with her when she moved. So, it's back to "kneed by hand," which is what I always did anyway. I'm going to do it on a nice day when all the windows are open so that the nice Hispanic lady next door - creator of some pretty great cooking smells herself - will know that I'm baking bread. (One of the better things about making your own bread is the smell. They should make air fresheners like that!)

Newton 04-15-2006 08:21 PM

Pancakes, i must admit, are very nice indeed and even more so when cooked by a scantily clad maiden.

thruma 04-16-2006 01:58 AM

I've always loved the diff flavor of buckwheat pancakes.

I have them very rarely so when I do get a chance they are even more tasty

xxxmalouxxx 04-17-2006 01:35 AM

oh.. now I am craving for some nice maple syrup

Deuce 04-20-2006 03:03 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Yesterday *was* to be pankcakes and Portuguese Linguisa sausage
HAHA, thats exactly what I had yesterday. I'm from California where we have a place called Nations Giant Hamburgers, however dispite the name they also have breakfast. not really fast food, more of a cafe quick counter and I got the "Two Egger" which is double portions of everything, I got two eggs, hashbrowns, and linguisa, 2 slices of buttered toast, and a side of four pancakes.

very filling, however today I only had some apple juice and an apple fritter.

MorganGrayson 04-20-2006 03:42 PM


Originally posted by Deuce
HAHA, thats exactly what I had yesterday. I'm from California where we have a place called Nations Giant Hamburgers, however dispite the name they also have breakfast. not really fast food, more of a cafe quick counter and I got the "Two Egger" which is double portions of everything, I got two eggs, hashbrowns, and linguisa, 2 slices of buttered toast, and a side of four pancakes.

very filling, however today I only had some apple juice and an apple fritter.

Deuce...*groan*...filling indeed. My stomach informed me that Linguisa was to be a "sometime" thing and never, ever to have it with pancakes again. Perhaps one egg, scrambled.

We got the Linguisa from the local health food emporium, a store that carries vegetables, bulk items, meat without hormones and all that nasty stuff, etc., etc. They make their own sausage, too.

We also got their Bratwurst and it was without a doubt the absolutely BEST bratwurst I'd ever had in my life. When I was a kid, I loved brats. I thought my taste had changed because when I got older, brats became "ho-hum." This place and their "homemade" makes it much closer to the brats of my youth.

Since they were having a sale, I bought my first "bangers," which I haven't cooked yet. :)

Phoenix 04-20-2006 04:46 PM

yummy...i like banana and choclate chip pancakes

Sin 04-20-2006 05:32 PM

Today (right now in fact, since I haven't eaten anything yet) I am having vanilla waffles, with maple syrup, and a scoop of Bailey's Irish Cream Ice Cream on top of them... they're ridiculously delicious :D

Dravyk 04-20-2006 08:10 PM

Morgan, you gotta remind me about the recipe. I'm more scatter-brained than usual these days. Blame spring (or old age).

Sin, waffles ... ah, now that I like to make fresh with a bit of cinnamon and some raisins. Deeeelcious! I have the Belgian Waffle iron, like 'em "big". :D

StaceyJo 04-21-2006 12:54 AM

Re: I'm making pancakes!

Originally posted by Sin
Mmmm.... its been forever since I've made pancakes, these are awesome! :)

What are you all having for breakfast this morning? :)

today? just bacon and eggs here together with an orange juice...

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