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Sin 04-15-2006 10:18 AM

Sin & Newton's AM Adventure
So, I've been over here since Wednesday & was planning on taking the 8:30am ferry back home, today... which as far as I knew (according to my in-depth travel planning gone horribly awry) meant catching the 6:40am West Coast Express train into the downtown & busing out to the ferry terminal from there.

So... 5:30am the alarm goes off, we wake up (somewhat) I make Newton coffee & pack & get dressed & at 6:25 we head out to the train station. In the pouring rain. We have to HURRY because we left later than we had planned, so we walk rather quickly the whole way there.

Apparently the West Coast Express does not run on Saturdays. So our early AM rapid trot through the rain, was for naught. A bit down, we turn & head back. Secretly I am pleased as I am plotting to spend the entire day here now and I shall just phone my coworker & tell him to leave the processing part of the work & I'll go in & do it tomorrow. This works for him since he will get to spend the day with the customers & up front watching movies for the most part; this works for me because its another day I get to spend with Newton now... this works for Newton because it means when we go pick up his desk and bring it home, I can assemble it. (I assembled his computer chair!! :D ) This works for my bosses who are ridiculously flexible like that anyways because tomorrow when I go in it will be off the clock and this means they won't have to pay me for today (as I won't be there) and so they'll be happy, Jeremy is happy, I'm happy, it all works out in the end LOL

So, was the early AM adventure over when we turned back, to drudge home (in the rain) with a stop at Starbucks to ease our weary souls and to lift our spirits. To make up for making Newton walk hurriedly through the rain in the early am with me, I tell the coffee dude to please put whipped cream & caramel drizzle on Newton's coffee, which is how he likes it :) This is great, and a big bonus to it all. Right? Yeah, it would be, except when the coffees were ready and I went to put the lids on, something went horribly awry there too & the cup decided it was going to buckle, rather than have a lid put on it, and the whipped cream & caramel drizzle went all over the counter & the coffee splash got on Newton's hand and kinda burned him.. :( So much for that...

So, about the only thing we managed to successfully do so far in the close to 2 hrs we've been awake, is actually wake up.... LOL

Nickatilynx 04-15-2006 12:48 PM

That fucking place needs a suing..

We had faulty lids the other day...and Newton got burned.


Anyone else seeing a pattern involving Newton getting burned?


MorganGrayson 04-15-2006 03:10 PM

Sin...thank you for the story. :)
(You know what it means when you're that damned cheerful over an early morning walk in the rain, don't you? Of course you do.) ;)

Poor Newton. It must totally suck for a gentleman to get burned in public in front of a lady and not be able to verbally express the moment in the way the scalded skin would prefer it be expressed. :(

Sin 04-15-2006 03:49 PM

Well, as it turned out we ended up passing back out once we got home & had a very luxurious 2 hr nap.... a great way (imo) to take a not so hot morning, go back to sleep & restart the day a couple hours later. :)

We woke up, had our pancakes & coffee & then walked to the store where Newton's computer desk is, picked it up, brought it back & assembled it. He has a very smart looking office now!!!! I'm envious, this is a very nice desk! :)

Anyways, I've got to run, he is going to sit down & pretend to be busy and I think I'll lean provocatively over the desk, scantily clad... ;)

Newton 04-15-2006 08:18 PM

I just laughed at getting burnt, strange i know but it was funny, especially after this mornings jaunt into the far flung recesses of vancouver :)

It was a most wonderful weekend and very interesting :)

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