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3xlinks 01-11-2003 01:50 PM

Looking for a good credit card processor
1 Attachment(s)
My paysite Needs a new processor. I am using I BILL at the present.
They screwed me for 2 weeks now before they finally admitted that there processing script had a glitch. So can anyone help me. Also for the really smart webmasters out there , I paid I BILL the 750 for the visa thing ( which I personally think is a big rip off ) but anyways If I switch to someone else will I have to pay this fee again or is it good for the whole year nomatter who does my processing?
Any help is appriciated.
Looking for a new sponsor with free hosted galleries free content try
Me out at www.3xparadise.com

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tornell 01-11-2003 02:18 PM

hello ...

try GloBill :)

Kenny B 01-11-2003 02:21 PM

I use CCbill and highly recommend them! Drop an email to swapnas@ccbill.com and she can answer all of your questions regarding the $750 issue!

mailman 01-11-2003 06:27 PM

mmmmm now thats is very clever spam asking for help then tossing in his program on post one.....


Mister X 01-12-2003 01:53 AM

I like PSW a lot. And yes you will have to pay the 750 again.

=^..^= 01-12-2003 10:22 AM

hmmm i thought psw arent carging those new fees? Or did they give in?

Mister X 01-12-2003 02:13 PM


Originally posted by =^..^=
hmmm i thought psw arent carging those new fees? Or did they give in?
PSW only charges the fees to US citizens. If you're Canadian or Aussie or anything else then no fees.

barryf 01-13-2003 02:37 AM

I have had positive experiences with 3 processors:

Website Billing

WSB provides the best customer service, but PayPal is the cheapest.


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