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TheEnforcer 05-11-2006 02:49 PM

Last night's Lost
Soooo.. what do you think about the episode last night? Lots of new revelations. The psychic guy saw both Claire and Eko and more tapes/video and other stuff.

Evil Chris 05-11-2006 04:17 PM

I was expecting a lot more from last night's episode.
The sub-story from Ecko and Locke is starting to get interesting I guess. I'm more into facts and happenings than dream sequence stuff.

What I really wanted was more about Michael, and why he flipped out the way he did.

Also, I think Jack needs an ass whooping. He's starting to get on my nerves.

TheEnforcer 05-11-2006 06:58 PM

Hahah.. I don't mind the dream sequences but it was kind of a so-so episode. I always like the new revelations and stuff but overall it was just ok.

As to Jack, I've always really enjoyed Matthew Fox as an actor as I watched him for 6 seasons with my wife on Party of Five so his character kinda gets a pass from me because of that.

Defiant 05-11-2006 07:16 PM

We'll see more about Michael next week, so I wasn't TOO upset about not getting more info on that storyline. I agree about Jack, though... he is kind of getting on my nerves, too.

Evil Chris 05-11-2006 09:28 PM

TE... I never watched Party of 5. Must have been an HBO show?

Defiant... next week is the finale isn't it?
They're going to have to give us *something*.

TheEnforcer 05-11-2006 10:06 PM

No, it was on Fox from 1994-2000


It was a ritual every wednesday night that my ex-wife and I watched that show and made one of our favorite meals. I've actually got the first two seasons of the show on DVD and am hoping the release all 6 seasons.

It had great characters that you could idenitfy with and dealt with stuff honestly and where you could relate. From Charlie (The aformentioned Matthew Fox) the irresponsible oldest brother who feels overwhelmed at having to try and actually be responsible to Claudia the youngest who was absolutely hilarious to watch as well as Bailey (rersponsible middle brother and Julia the middle sister always having guy issues. It wasn't too over the top like many dramas and very well acted. Their story arc on Bailey's alcoholism was one of the best portrayals of that issue I have ever seen. Just overall good stuff. Definately worth either putting in your Netflix or video rental or even worth a buy for the two seasons which are very reasonably priced.

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