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MediaGuy 05-13-2006 12:31 PM

Freak vs. Jehovahs

Seriously funny shit. This is what a friend of mine does when the Jehovahs come knocking... then he puts it out on his extreme bike race vids as extraz...

Evil Chris 05-13-2006 02:15 PM

pretty funny.... looks a little scripted but still funny. :)

MediaGuy 05-13-2006 03:39 PM

well they're so programmed to their schtick that they always come off scripted when they knock on your door... but the guy who made it (Saturnin) told me they came to his door and freaked him out because his camera wasn't ready... so he asked them to come back in five minutes... and they did! he had time to find a tape for his cam, his mickey mouse hat, and voila...

Wicked Temptress 05-13-2006 06:05 PM

:cackle: I'm always chasing them off when they come around too... The last time they tried to talk to me though, I just turned around(I was loading my car up, about to leave) and said "Do I LOOK like the kind of person that would be interested in that fucking shit?!" And they left me alone!

TheLegacy 05-15-2006 11:47 AM

I always answer saying, " my lord prince of the air - Bealzabub told me your were showing up at my door - before you come in - you dont have any relatives that would miss you?"

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