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Evil Chris 05-20-2006 12:30 AM

Da Vinci Code
ok we went to see The Da Vinci Code tonight.

Personally, I had not read the book so I didn't know what to expect but I had a general knowledge of the storyline. I had heard that people who saw it at premieres and early showings were tearing it apart, calling it "laughable" and other not so very positive adjectives but I am not sure why.

I thought it was a really good and entertaining 2.5 hours. Certainly worth the price of admission. Tom Hanks put in another great role and was quite convincing.

Maybe certain people really do feel threatened by this movie and book, but maybe moreso the movie since it will reach out to such a wider audience. I recommend it even if you haven't read the book. Especially if you haven't read the book.

jacobkell 05-21-2006 07:23 AM

I didnt watch it,i simply not intrested since is boring story.

Funbrunette 05-21-2006 09:45 AM

Excellent movie! :xthumbs: I look forward to reading the book now!

TheEnforcer 05-21-2006 12:50 PM

I saw it yesterday and I gotta say i enjoyed the hell out fo it.

TheLegacy 05-21-2006 06:46 PM

I havent seen it - but when I hear of newspapers that more or less are manipulated by government and religious nuts - doesnt suprise me when that reaction happens.

It is fast becoming larger than Star Wars: Episode III


LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Moviegoers gave their blessing to "The Da Vinci Code" over the weekend, spending an estimated $77 million to see the Tom Hanks religious thriller.

Although the film didn't set a domestic box office record, it was the largest weekend opening of the year so far and became the second-largest worldwide release after "Star Wars: Episode III." It garnered some $224 million worldwide, according to Sony Pictures.

The film also was the best domestic opening for both Hanks and director Ron Howard.

The movie's performance, combined with the family film "Over the Hedge" debuting in second place with $37.2 million, was a welcome contrast to the last two weekends that saw disappointing results from "Poseidon" and "Mission: Impossible III."

xxxmalouxxx 05-22-2006 12:38 AM

wow.. 2.5 hours?

should be a really good movie.. I am so watching it...

MorganGrayson 05-22-2006 01:06 PM

I'll wait until the DVD comes out. I'm not big on theaters.

I tried to read the book and couldn't make it past a couple of chapters. It's very, very rare for me to abandon a book once I've begun, too, but this one just left me cold.

Evil Chris 05-22-2006 01:25 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
I'll wait until the DVD comes out. I'm not big on theaters.

I tried to read the book and couldn't make it past a couple of chapters. It's very, very rare for me to abandon a book once I've begun, too, but this one just left me cold.

Yeah Morgan, it's not a movie you absolutely have to see on the big screen to fully appreciate.

I think you'll like it though.

Bhelliom 05-23-2006 02:18 PM

I saw the movie Opening night, The 1030 show in Toronto.

Couple of points. Three fights broke out before the show even started. The first was when some kid got in a fight with the manager Beucase he tried to dodge the line and just walk in while the people who HAD waited in line for an hour were moving into the theatre. It was very funny to watch the guy argue with the manager and eventually not be allowed into the movie while his girlfriend was pleading with him to calm down and wait in line. I'm sure that argument would have been fun to watch later that night

Two more fights/arguments broke out over seating arrangements which calmed down after a few minutes.

Overall, I thought the movie was excellent and held veryclose to the book. I understand that some people may have found it slow in spots while they covered the background/historical explanations in dialogue that were written up differently in the book (IE as just background) but that's what needs to be done when you move something to the big screen. My Girlfriend, who is from Paris, said it was exactly how she pictured it while she read the book, Probably because she knew the areas they were talking about and couple envision them in her head.

To be honest I was a little worried that Tom Hanks wouldn't be able to live up to the role, but He came off as very believable and did the character justice.

As I said, I very much enjoyed both the book and the movie, and if you liked one you're sure to like the other.

jacobkell 05-23-2006 04:42 PM

Yep,boring book and boring movie.

canadian4life 05-24-2006 04:28 PM

going to watch it saturday with some friends let the crowd die down first then go watch lol..

gnat69 05-24-2006 04:32 PM

I really liked the movie as well, but I have to say that I thought Tom Hanks was totally wrong for the roll, don't get me wrong I love him just not for this movie.......

blazi 05-24-2006 06:29 PM

wasn't able to see it on opening night so I'm still really looking forward to viewing this film and hope it's as good as the previews make it look!

Funbrunette 05-24-2006 07:19 PM


Originally posted by gnat69
I really liked the movie as well, but I have to say that I thought Tom Hanks was totally wrong for the roll, don't get me wrong I love him just not for this movie.......
Hey I think I saw you in the theatre....lol :p Luv ya babe!

Virgule3 05-24-2006 11:01 PM

I read the book during the Xmas holidays and I actually woke up during the night to read some more!!! I was totally hooked and I read it in two ½ days...

And I absolutely LOVED the movie. There are many things that are in the book but not the movie but it doesn't affect the story at all.

I loved Tom Hanks but I loved Audrey Tautou (Sophie) even more. She was amazing.

I'm reading Angels & Demons right now and I can't put the book down.


gnat69 05-25-2006 10:09 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Hey I think I saw you in the theatre....lol :p Luv ya babe!
Were you the one that kept kicking my chair????:bonk:

raingurl 05-25-2006 10:45 AM

i LOVED the book, read it in one sitting. then went on to read his other stuff, and Holy Blood, Holy Grail, which many of the theories in the da vinci code were based on. Haven't seen the movie yet, but hopefully will make it out this weekend.

-=LC=- 05-25-2006 04:27 PM

I saw the Da Vinci Code this past weekend myself,
and I found the movie to be interesting and liked it.

SeriousCash 05-29-2006 03:34 PM

This movie makes me revalue the Bible!

gnat69 05-29-2006 03:56 PM

just remember peeps this is a book of fiction, but the best thing about this movie is not the movie itself, it was The 700 Club having major debates about it afterward without acknowloging that the film was for entertainment value.......hahahaha :bonk:

MorganGrayson 05-30-2006 06:11 PM

My son-in-law (the Druid, go figure) devoured the book then had to read "Angels and Demons" and all the atttendent books of material.

Evil Chris...I'll definitely give the DVD a look. The only theater around here that I enjoy going to is an actual first-run drive in. (Long since become an endangered species, the drive in, and I don't understand why.) I forget what I saw last there, but it was something that made me say "damn, I'm glad I saw that on a BIG screen!" I do know that some movies are so much better that way.

My favorite part of the movie so far - aside from watching a bunch of religious fanatics go batshit over a movie - was watching the absolutely cool albino guy from The Albino Code interviewed on the "Today Show." He was priceless. :)

Deuce 05-31-2006 11:58 AM

the movie sucked, it was too long. x-men anyone?

canadian4life 05-31-2006 03:38 PM

haven't seen it yet.

ny_tim 05-31-2006 04:46 PM

I liked it. I never read the book and had no idea what the story line was, so I was pleasantly surprised.

SilvercashJeanette 05-31-2006 05:27 PM

I haven't seen it, but I keep hearing mixed reveiws...most think it's good, but I'v heard bad things too. I still want to see it, just don't have time.

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