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xcitizen 05-24-2006 09:10 AM

Interactive TUTORIALS for Chameleon Submitter!
Chameleon Submitter Team recently launched the TUTORIALS for its popular submission tool: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/tutorials.php. Now it is even easier to get started and learn step by step about the main software features.

All the lessons are interactive and they have been made for you in Macromedia Flash.
You will find out how to use Chameleon Submitter perfectly in order to get the maximum benefit out of its features!

We will focus on:

-how to quickly set up Chameleon Submitter before the first submit
-how to submit picture gallery successfully in a step by step Tutorial
-how does the submission process work, what does Chameleon Submitter do and how to get the most out of it

Come visit us and learn more about this unique product.

We are looking forward hearing from you.

Chameleon Submitter Team
URL: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com

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