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ponyboy 05-24-2006 06:53 PM

BritishBucks.com, a new adult webmaster program
BritishBucks.com, a new adult webmaster program based in the United Kingdom, is pleased to announce its official opening. With the merging of webmasters holding more than 11 years experience in the gay adult industry, we're proud to open up our two highest performing gay twink sites, www.GlobeBoys.com and www.NighTwinks.com for affiliate promotion.

By using the trusted leader CCBILL to provide a solid processing backbone to our program, a professional backend cms system for our sites, and by providing regularly updated and innovative promotion tools we feel ready and able to give webmasters a variety of options when advertising our sites. We feel confident that webmasters will find our program easy to use and effective in converting their amateur Twink traffic.

New promotion tools will be added weekly, including banners, hosted galleries, free sites, and email notifications of content updates that include descriptive text and photos of new models. Bloggers especially should find this a welcome tool for site promotions. And British Bucks will be more than happy to design or assist in the production of any custom promotion tools our affiliates may require to optimize their revenues.

The staff at www.BritishBucks.com formally invites you to take a look at our program. Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions. I can be reached at sam@britishbucks.com

Sam and roy
BritishBuck.com Team

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