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ponyboy 05-29-2006 07:30 AM

Long hoilday weekend
Long holiday weekend

So who worked, who went shopping and did you get anything good? Who went to the beach and said it will wait till Tuesday?

I went and bought a new monitor, and video card for the computer, went a watched an air show, really cool to see a b-29 and p-51.

Have to say I did do a little work on britishbucks, just can't fully pull myself away from it :)

MorganGrayson 05-30-2006 06:20 PM

I did the absolute minimum of work. For the most part, I hung out with my husband and had a great time. We got frames for all of the art prints I'd purchased and he hung them for me. I have Monet everywhere! :)

I still have to put the new gardenias in containers, though. :)

The television was on Turner Classic Movies and their "war movie" marathon. I got to see actors when they were SO young. I watched "Hell is for Heroes" which was the "introducing Bob Newhart" movie, and I swear, he looked like he was barely past puberty. :)

Janell 05-31-2006 11:12 PM

I stayed close to home. We had friends over and did the BBQ thing and mostly did some chores around the house. Overall I rate the weekend a 2 thumbs up in the relaxing department.

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