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Mike AMC 05-30-2006 03:49 PM

ANNOUNCEMENT: AdultMovieClub.com
With AWESOME results in the beta-testing, we are pleased announce the release of.... ADULTMOVIECLUB.COM

AdultMovieClub.com allows members to view unlimited movies with their membership. No pay per minute fees.
They have access to hundreds of titles they can download directly to their hard-drives for their low monthly subscription.

YOU AS THE WEBMASTER have more promotional material choices than ever, making it easy to convert your traffic into cash.

  • Hosted Galleries: We have 5000+ kick ass searchable galleries ready to go.
  • www.adultmovieclub.com/sampleone / www.adultmovieclub.com/sampletwo
  • Gallery Builder. Got specific requirements for your galleries? No problem. Use the gallery builder to generate based on your site's name, image directory and thumb directory too.
  • Zipped Content. Build and use your own templates if you wish, and we'll provide the clips.
  • Search Boxes. Qualify your traffic down to the specific niche they want, and maximize your clicks with our very effective search boxes.
  • Geo-Targetted Ads. A proven eye-catcher, we give you the option to provide geographical ad that insert the surfer's city in the promo content itself.
  • Box Cover Generator. Show all the flashy details of every one of our box covers. Generate by niche for maximum effect!
  • Hosted Clip Series. Don't use the same clip every day. That gets old! Maximize your exposure. We will host a 12 clip series that will keep your surfers coming back everyday.
  • Banners and Ads. From small odd sized promo banners to full page ads, we have a truckload of searchable promo banners for your every need including FLASH banners. If there's something missing, we'll make it for you.

We understand and know that some webmasters like to take advantage of the benefits of free hosting. To this end, we're offering free bannerless web hosting to affiliates for the purposes of promoting Adult Movie Club. Just bring your domain to us. We'll park it, provide you with FTP and you'll be ready to go!


Get paid on ALL TRANSACTIONS you generate. We've gone to great lengths to make sure that no joins get dropped, and that anyone who wants to join, can join. That means cascading billing is in place, checking and phone joins and even cross sales are all in place. Choose the way you want to promote Adult Movie Club, and your earning potential is limitless!
  • $35 per signup. Choose to send under pay-per-signup and earn $35 for all initial signups, including trials.
  • 60/40 Partnership. If you choose to send with the partnership option, we'll pay you 60% of all sales you generate for the lifetime of those memberships! This is a great way to experience a stable source of income from all your surfers. With 30-90 new titles added monthly your members aren't going anywhere and you'll benefit from the high retention.
  • telephone joins. Regardless if you're promoting with partnership or per-join options, you'll earn $15 for every phone join you send to Adult Movie Club
  • checking account joins. Same as above! No matter what link codes you're using, you'll still be paid $15 for any check joins you generate. This includes re-bill too!
  • $15 per cross sale. If you qualify to send us cross sales, you'll earn $15 for every one you send.
  • 5% webmaster referral. Use our affiliate banners in your signatures on boards, or fly our banners in view of other webmasters and earn 5% on the sale of all referred affiliate sales. This adds up and becomes a heck of a nice bonus at the end of each pay period.
  • WEEKLY PAYOUTS. We pay out every week by any method you choose including checks, wires, and epassporte too.

Adult Movie Club has thought of everything! We are a webmaster program, created by experienced webmasters.
Join today as an affiliate webmaster and take advantage!

Adult Movie Club... The next big thing in adult movie downloads. JOIN NOW!


Evil Chris 05-30-2006 04:15 PM

Congratulations on the launch Mike! :xthumbs:

Funbrunette 05-31-2006 09:25 AM

Goof job Mike...Looking good! :xthumbs:

wildgirl 06-01-2006 01:30 PM

great job...congrats :)

Mike AMC 06-01-2006 05:28 PM

Thanks for the support guys :)


Evil Chris 06-11-2006 03:58 PM

So far I've been doing really well with this new program.
Anyone else have a go at it?

The promo tools are awesome.

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