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Shane 05-31-2006 03:49 PM

Damn my allergies!
This week has been totally miserable for me. My allergies are acting up at an all time high. I've been doing the benedryl thing but so far no luck on clearing out all the crap in my head. Any one have a good suggestion on what I can do to at least ease the pain of these allergies?

SilvercashJeanette 05-31-2006 03:59 PM

Awww...I'm sorry to hear that. Allergies suck! I'm sorry, but I have no idea how to help. :( I just really hope you feel better.

Shane 05-31-2006 04:03 PM

Thanks HotInHere.
That is much appreciated :)

MorganGrayson 05-31-2006 05:57 PM

Shane...I'm currently taking a Walmart brand of allergy relief. It doesn't have the usual "compare to" on it, so I don't know what the brand name would be. I always buy the "Equate" brand from Walmart rather than the name brand because you could make a house payment with the money I've saved and it's the same stuff.

This is "multi-symptom/non-drowsy, severe congestion Sinus Relief" stuff. It's got a dark green stripe at the top and the # on the top right is NDC 49035-527-08. (I actually had to have all that written down to go get more.)

I feel my allergies blow up my sinuses and then get horrific pain in my teeth. It got so bad that I couldn't bite down or drink hot coffee without pain. I tried this stuff because the sudafed knockoff stopped working. Even Vicodin didn't touch it. This Equate stuff, however, knocked it out. I keep taking it because the allergies are in full force and I don't want that pain to come back. It was wicked.

Shane 05-31-2006 06:42 PM

Ouch, that sounds awful!
Thanks for the tip on the WalMart meds. I'll send my hubby up there for some :)

Janell 05-31-2006 11:07 PM

Amazingly enough I have managed to be allergic to the dessert. Thankfully it's only for a couple of weeks in the spring.

MorganGrayson 06-01-2006 12:53 PM


Originally posted by Janell
Amazingly enough I have managed to be allergic to the dessert. Thankfully it's only for a couple of weeks in the spring.
Janelle...I've formulated a "nearly scientific" theory.
No matter where you live or work...there will be something to which you are allergic. (One of my doctors is allergic to latex, so he has to buy special gloves.) My youngest daughter used to work for a women's clothing store where she got an incredible employee discount. She couldn't wait to try on the brand new line of leather jackets that she could actually afford. Once putting it on...she couldn't get it off fast enough, as she immediately broke out in a horrific rash.

I live in what's called "high desert." I have horrible allergies. I used to live in the Ohio Valley (Louisville, KY) where they call it "the Ohio Valley crud" so many people are allergic.

A doctor once told me "we can poke you 400 times with substances and it will turn out that you're allergic to something you can't possibly avoid, so what's the point?" His point was excellent. Household dust gives me fits so my options are two: leave the dust and sneeze or remove the dust and sneeze. I remove the dust and sneeze.

One doctor asked me if I was certain I wasn't allergic to cats. I said "I've got four and they're *staying,* so what difference does it make?" :)

stonegatherer 06-06-2006 10:18 PM

My allergies have been bad here. It's getting hot now so I will just
have to deal with the AC sucking out all the humidity in my apt.

Nickatilynx 06-06-2006 11:20 PM

My only allergy is to stupid people.

Makes me break out in laughter.

Keeping away from surfmasters helps alleviate it. ;-))

Evil Chris 06-07-2006 09:09 AM

I think we all have that allergy, Nick.
But it's also fun to watch them make fools of themselves in the process.

Shane, my body isn't fussy when it comes to allergies. I can take pretty much any over-the-counter allergy pill and get relief. I guess I'm lucky that way. But my hay-fever doesn't usually start to bother me until August.

stonegatherer 06-07-2006 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
My only allergy is to stupid people.

Oh, wow, how could I forget that allergy ... sends my blood
pressure through the roff sometimes. Same with slow people
that block your path on the sidewalk .....

MorganGrayson 06-07-2006 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
My only allergy is to stupid people.

Makes me break out in laughter.

Keeping away from surfmasters helps alleviate it. ;-))

Ah...your allergic condition has improved. I remember a few flareups you had the resulted in screamed obscenities followed by stun-bunnied repetitions of "how in the absolute FUCK????" :)

canadian4life 06-07-2006 03:38 PM

yeah i have allergies too.

jacobkell 06-07-2006 05:28 PM

Best thing against allergy is avoid everything hehe

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