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Virgule3 06-07-2006 03:28 PM

I'm looking for a specific thing...
Hi there! :)

I'm working on a new web site with a completely new type of content (I think...) anyway, I need something specific... maybe someone can help...

You know when online music stores offer to sell each song one by one for 99¢ each?

Well, I wanna do something similar (sell the stuff I have to offer for 99¢ each) but I don't know who will provide that kind of service for an adult web site and charge a very low fee...

Can anyone help me? Please? Pretty please???


jacobkell 06-07-2006 05:26 PM

Perhaps you can offer ziped picture set for that prize.

Virgule3 06-07-2006 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by jacobkell
Perhaps you can offer ziped picture set for that prize.

Oh, I know what I'm going to sell! I came up with a pretty cool idea and all. The design's pretty much done, the content is getting bigger and bigger everyday, I'm working hard!

But it's the payment thingy I don't understand and I don't know how to set it up.

Until now, I've been a thinker, not a doer, and I finally decided that now, since I'm single (remember my now-ex didn't like the fact I was involved in porn?) well, why not jump in the pool and join the party? (wow, that sounds lame! lol!) but you get the picture...

Anyway, is there anyone who can direct me to a payment service where I can charge 99¢ without high fees?



jacobkell 06-07-2006 05:36 PM

Well howmuch i was notice services who has that kind of content has signed contracts with credit cards houses.After you make contracts you need to make script who will proccess credits cards.

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