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krosh 01-14-2003 02:30 PM

good times in vegas
I haven't been here in a while
Chris I am soo sorry

The board looks awsome. It was great seeing everyone in vegas.

Evil Chris 01-14-2003 02:36 PM

krosh... hey buddy...
Was great seeing you again in Vegas recently. :cool:
Was the show a success for you?

krosh 01-14-2003 02:48 PM

it sure was

I met lots of new people, and caught up with some old friends.
It was a great success overall

sherie 01-14-2003 03:14 PM

hey man welcome back....great to see you at the show!:D

twinkley 01-14-2003 03:39 PM

I think I saw you for about a second and a half at the booth right? I was soooo busy hon, im sorry we didnt get to talk - but you know me - gotta get those sales closed!!



Kris 01-14-2003 05:25 PM

krosh! man, only saw you a couple times.. glad to hear the show was a success for you.

Funbrunette 01-14-2003 06:48 PM

Welcome back sweetie! We thought you forgot about us ;)

krosh 01-14-2003 07:36 PM

awwww shucks ..thanks guys .. I would never forget about you guys.

Twinkly - I know you are a go getter and a closer that's why you do so great in this buis. It was good to see you for the 2 seconds that i did :D

sherie - It was great seeing you too... you look fantastic as always!

kris- i am sure you don't remember our conversation at the round bar...hahah it was nice to see you haveing such a great time with alcohol :D :D :D :D :D :D

sherie 01-14-2003 07:57 PM


Originally posted by krosh
awwww shucks ..thanks guys .. I would never forget about you guys.

Twinkly - I know you are a go getter and a closer that's why you do so great in this buis. It was good to see you for the 2 seconds that i did :D

sherie - It was great seeing you too... you look fantastic as always!

kris- i am sure you don't remember our conversation at the round bar...hahah it was nice to see you haveing such a great time with alcohol :D :D :D :D :D :D

:blush: :blush: Thank you Krosh!

Kris 01-14-2003 07:57 PM


Originally posted by krosh
kris- i am sure you don't remember our conversation at the round bar...hahah it was nice to see you haveing such a great time with alcohol :D :D :D :D :D :D
damn... i have no comment :cool:

Evil Chris 01-14-2003 11:25 PM

Kris... welcome to xnations... good to see you here too. :cool:

poppy 01-14-2003 11:46 PM

Krosh, I think I saw you like every other second...hahaha always a pleasure bro. Good seeing all of you in Vegas. Old and new.

twinkley 01-15-2003 09:39 AM

It's just not fair! hahaha

Evrreytime someone really cool walked into the booth that i really wanted to talk to ---- so did a customer that was ready to make a deal RIGHT THEN. ARGH! Damn business anyways!!

hahahahah It WAS good seeing ya Kourash :)



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