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Evil Chris 06-14-2006 03:57 PM

How was Cybernetexpo?
For those who went to the show, how was it?

I haven't been to a Cybernetexpo since back in the days it was still held in Vegas.

lovelycyco 06-14-2006 06:14 PM

I've been cruisin' through all of the board so that I see what others have said and personally enjoyed all of the seminars that I was able to attend. There was a lot of the things that the hotel owners tried to do to make the convention a huge failure but the fountain of knowledge was well recieved. There was no :boobies: because of sercurity but I did see pure sexiness in a pink one piece thong suit. :wank: The Player's Ball was cancelled but D$ did reserve a lounge and entrance in to one of the clubs downtown and we had fun anyway. I'm sure other people will give you thier opinion. This is just mine.

LAJ 06-14-2006 06:58 PM

Hey Chris... I could have sworn you were at the one in 2003 in Montreal??

And for more info on the show.. check my thread that I'm posting right now :)

Evil Chris 06-14-2006 08:23 PM

Oh hell... yes that's right Jay. You guys did hold one here in my hometown didn't you? Of course I was there. I evern threw a party at a cigar lounge on behald of XNations. :)

Vid Vicious 06-14-2006 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
Oh hell... yes that's right Jay. You guys did hold one here in my hometown didn't you? Of course I was there. I evern threw a party at a cigar lounge on behald of XNations. :)

That was a good party :)

the nation net party that weekend was the Bomb too ... !

LAJ 06-14-2006 09:29 PM

It's all coming back to me now... I was outta control at most of the parties that year!

Shane 06-14-2006 09:38 PM

Since the problems with the hotel have been so well documented, I'll pass on commenting on that one.
The seminars that I went to were amazing (Hot Topics and Affiliate Managment) with some really intelligent dialog.
The "after hours" events were also stellar. The Luna Lounge was totally kick ass and the band rocked (even with out their singer). Heat was totally packed when we got there, but every one was having a great time.
Overall Cybernet was a great show. I'm really glad I was there.

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