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Baby names!
Well, Chris & I found out were having a little boy... <img src="http://www.belliesandbabies.com/boards/images/smilies/mar.gif">
Were both sooooooooo excited and happy! He's very healthy and kicking and moving like crazy. If you have any good names for boys I'd love to hear them... <img src="http://www.belliesandbabies.com/boards/images/smilies/ylinfant.gif"> |
That's great. I hope everything stays that way. As for names try Cali
for starters. Its short for Caligula :-) |
Or maybe you could choose something a little bit more traditional...
I like Jonathan or Joseph, Michael (except I always spell it the girls way) There are so many possibilitits...:baby: |
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! OK. Time for a little french canadian (Quebec) name primer here. It's only been about 20 or so years that french canadian parents stopped naming all of their sons Joseph and all of their daughters Marie in Quebec. The habit is still there strongly and most people who gets baptized gets it still. francophone Quebec overwhelming religious affilication is Catholic. Other christian churches are almost inexistant as far as the french canadian population is concerned. You will find many other churches, but all from non-french-canadian. A typical french canadian name is Joseph-Louis-André-Pierre Tremblay. In everyday's life, he's called Pierre. first names than ends with Joseph-something-something-Jean-something like Jean-Francois, Jean-Claude, Jean-Pierre, Jean-Luc, Jean-Louis get used as everyday's first names. Jean is french for John, a very common male name, never used for female. English people always think that Jean is a woman. It leads to amusing situations quite frequently, when outside of Quebec or Canada. For women, all their names start with Marie. Marie-Lina-Antoinette-Louise Some names have five distinct names. Typically, what comes between the Joseph / Marie and the usual first name are names of significant elders of the family, or the godfather and godmother, or the name of a rich aunt or uncle that you want to flatter. French Canadians are surprized to learn that the anglo-canadian or American John Smith has only John Smith as a name on his birth certificate. We use no middle initials either, obviously. In the rare case where you want to give the child Marie or Joseph as a usual first name, you put it at the end of the long list of first names. Another common name for women is Anne-Marie A few men are named Jean-Marie or André-Marie (odly enough, AFAIK, no men are named Marie-André). This is an endless source of peer-torments for the young boy, just as if you'd name one of your boy Sue. But it forges the character, the story say... In Quebec, if you ask a guy his name and he replies Joseph with a grin, it's like he responded "John Doe" but with the difference that he did not lie to you. Considering the immigration and the new change in mores, I'd say that at least 30% of the men in Quebec have Joseph as one of their legal names. All our first names are legal to use apparently, even if the habit is only to use the last. |
Sorry Canadian Family I should say that my father was born
Joseph Lawrence Cousineau his parents were from Quebec and Ontario. We won't even go into my name my middle name is whacked.:p Let's just say mother didn't know any French and the drugs they gave her were very strong.:D Yes you probably guessed it I was a total surprise. I was supposed to be a boy they had picked the worst possible name that would have assured that I was beaten up everyday on the school yard, but alas I was a girl and they were very unprepared!:p |
I like: hayden, nicolus, scott, brandon, ryan, jessie, axl (just kidding lmao) those are just a few...
Feynman... funny you should mention the way French Canadian Catholics name their children. :)
They don't really do it like that anymore unless your family is really traditional or religious or both. But having been in Quebec my whole adult life (I'm English), I can tell you that different places have screwed up my name, and the order of my first and middle name, several times... LOL Sherie.... where did you pull "Hayden" from? |
Vid jr :D
I have just always liked that name...I think I first heard it on that TV show Coach years ago...I think his name was Hayden Fox or something...If not there then I can't remember...I just like it
Why do you ask? Seem odd? |
Xavier, Antonio, Sean, Kyle.
I've always like "HAYWOOD JABLOMI" :D
that or.... "Hugh Jazz" ? :p
I am sure you will choose the perfect name. :)
I like Dakhota, James, Nicholas and Logan. :D |
Horg or Marvin
If My baby would have been a boy the name I had picked out would have been Christian Nile But she was a beautiful girl and I named her Jasmine Mai Ly What is the last name FB ?
depends on your last name chris. some great names just don't work with certain last names. my son is zachary isaac g....... ZIG if we had a girl it was going to be zoey ann g..... then we would have Zig and Zag.
I also believe that if you want to give your kid a totally whacky name, make it his middle name so he has a choice as to whether or not to use it. Holden as in Holden Caufield/Catcher in the Rye is cool. Congrats btw. |
For us, it was easy. My fathers strong-sounding name, and my husbands first name. :)
Put together, it sounds like royalty. :D (Oh, and definitely check out the letters of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd names. We got a RAZ, which is cool. A "FUZ" wouldn't have been. LOL) I kinda like "Hayden" too. "Haden Christopher Evil" Mwhahahahhaa Huggs! Lady Sharlot :-) |
In less less than 50 years, from the beginning of the "révolution tranquille" to today, the society went from being completely controlled by the catholic church to a very open society where catholicism is only considered as a personnal choice, with virtually no power at the social level. Attendance to churches fell dramatically, and callings to devote one's life to religion also disappeared. Nowadays, it is common to have one priest servicing 3 or 4 churches. Nobody wants to bother in becoming a priest. Monasteries and nunneries are empty. OK, I admit that we have churches all over the place, but it is quite a change from 50 years ago, when religion was the parallel power to government. We also have seen the emergence of many cults and para-christian groups (Jehovas, etc) and para-religious groups (Raelians, etc) to fill the void left by the catholic church, but it is only a very limited phenomenon compared to the whole mass of population that was indoctrinated in the catholic church heydays. The biggest "hole filler" of the void left by the catholic church is the the quebec National-Socialism philosophy and a certain collectivistic humanism which psycho-epistemological consequence is to define people as being one sheep of the herd Even this is waning nowadays, when people gets confronted with real world reality. The heavy immigration waves of the last half-century also contributed to the erosion of religious mores, by diluting the affiliations. Quebecers were pretty pliable, so they adapted pretty well to foreigners. Quebec is reputed among foreign visitors to be a very welcoming society. The revolution started mainly as a backlash to a too restrictive catholic church. It could partly explain why we have so much porn here. Maybe we should thanks the Catholic church for it... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ! |
Magnus Ver Magnusen
:cool: |
that's a good choice for a name. that or GUNNER. I like both of those. btw, Magnus and his wife just had a baby girl on 12/10 |
Gunner hit me up on ICQ bro !
Englebert. It will make him tough and ready to deal with the challenges the world offers.:D
Congrads you two! Dam Chris, I gotta say you have really done well for yourself my friend! We go back a long way and to see you starting a family really brings a smile to my face! you are one of the good guys and I am proud to call you my friend! I wish you and FB have a very healthy baby boy!! I would name it him " CHEZARAE" all capitals and lose the last name. He's then one step ahead of being a rock star! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/_950/fart.gif" width="53" height="26"> |
Was the "Little Evil" not named MINIME ??? :rolleyes:
>> Englebert
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