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Sarah_MaxCash 06-20-2006 03:36 PM

Banner Design Deals From Webinc!
Webinc is pleased to offer a great deals for anyone in need of banners.

The deal is on our ever popular 100 banner deal.

The banner deal includes:

100 banners

Total Cost: $699 PLUS for a limited time you get your choice of 6 free sig style promo buttons or 1 HPA included in the package. The banners can be a mixture of static and animiated, various shape and sizes and for multiple sites.

Check out our massive banner portfolio with over 50,000 samples to see what a great deal our 100 banner deal continues to be!

If you need any help or have any questions feel free to contact me at sarah@webinc.com or on icq at 232834291.

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