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Evil Chris 06-21-2006 09:54 AM

For those with BIG ICQ contact lists.
Who out there have big ICQ contact lists?
I'm just wondering if we share the same issues and problems with ICQ due to having so many people on our contact list.

Quite often I have problems adding a new person. I get errors. Then I'll delete 10 or 12 people from my list and try adding again. Most of the time that works. Not always though.

Then... once I completely re-start my ICQ, I see the names of the people I have previously deleted come back again. I know this has to do with the ICQ servers hosting my contact list, but a deletion is a deletion right? I mean, what if I wanted to completely flush my entire ICQ list and start from scratch? Is there a way to do it?

It's tough to communicate with someone who isn't on your list because ICQ filters out URLs and emails (and who knows what else) so the conversation can get frustrating.


(and no, I'm not switching to Trillian)

TheLegacy 06-21-2006 09:59 AM

I think my list is close to 600 or more and I run into the same thing that I have to perge some names - though they generally stay away. For the most part it works fine but then again I prefer using 2002a

Anthony 06-21-2006 10:14 AM

I've had a maxed out ICQ list for years.

I switched to Gaim to run all my IM's, and found if I delete 2 or 3, can re-add 1.

Visualad 06-21-2006 12:27 PM

I cant remember the actual error code.. think its 133 or something.. Im maxed out aswell. So if I get that error whenever I try to add someone new. The only way to fix it (for me) is to delete an existing ICQ contact to make room for the new one. Unlike you however, I dont seem to get the deleted ones back.. I just delete them and make room for the new ones.. Took me a while to understand the contact list was "full" and I had to delete existing..


Evil Chris 06-21-2006 03:01 PM

I think that 600 is the magic number for ICQ. Once you get up to that many contacts, it starts to play tricks on you.

I use ICQ 2003a. I think it's the most stable of them all.

Ronaldo 06-22-2006 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
I use ICQ 2003a. I think it's the most stable of them all.

Thursday June 22, 2006. Mark it down.

We finally agree on something.

Magnus3x 06-22-2006 04:05 PM

Yeah I end up having to dump peeps every few months or I wont be able to add anyone new.

"Out with the old and in with the nucleous." Name that quote :)

canadian4life 06-22-2006 04:13 PM

I think you can only have up to 600 contacts on your list max. Then icq will start deleting some of your contacts that hasn't come online for a period of time i think.

Ronaldo 06-22-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by canadian4life
Then icq will start deleting some of your contacts that hasn't come online for a period of time i think.

Definitely not the case, but thanks for participating.

60grand 06-25-2006 12:09 PM

true, icq dosent delete your contacts.

Evil Chris 06-25-2006 02:44 PM

The contacts just do not seem to go away though.
I delete them and a day, week, or maybe even a month later they're back.

Ronaldo 06-25-2006 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
The contacts just do not seem to go away though.
I delete them and a day, week, or maybe even a month later they're back.

Reboot your icq. Delete contacts AND history. Reboot icq again.

Contacts should be gone forever and problem is solved.

LAJ 06-26-2006 07:12 PM

600 does seem to be the magic number... I've had to delete someone everytime I do an add for the last few years.

Vid Vicious 06-26-2006 11:58 PM

ditto over here .. I'm peekin' at 600 .. Oh well guess I could always delete the ones that don't exsist anymore . I bet there's lots of those

StaceyJo 06-27-2006 03:54 AM

Yeah I have, thats the main problem I got from ICQ, it seems it always got an error when you adding someone and when it didnt work you have to delete one of your contact lists. hehehehe

Basic_man 06-27-2006 12:37 PM

Wow, 600 contacts? Crazy! I have about 250 or so, and never had problem adding new contact. I always use the latest version of ICQ.

GOD 06-29-2006 02:34 PM

GOD uses GAIM on both my desktop (Linux/XP dual boot), and a Linux laptop ...

I have TONS of contacts over ICQ/YAHOO/MSN/AIM/GTALK and I have no issues at all ...

I used Trillian for many years, but eventually looked for a replacement due to v3.x repeatedly 'orphaning' contancts, and Crulean seemed not to be in a hurry to fix it ...

Remember: no matter which IM software you use, if you save histories, once in a while they do need to be purged/deleted ...

born4porn 07-02-2006 03:08 AM

I am maxed out at 600 too!

twinkley 07-05-2006 02:05 PM

i use trillian, i love it, and havent had issues with the newest release (i did have the orphan issue on the last release tho)


Ronaldo 07-05-2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by twinkley
i use trillian, i love it, and havent had issues with the newest release (i did have the orphan issue on the last release tho)


OMG Crazy lady.

When you send out mass messages, I get "reminded" about your show 5 times or more.

Find another program.

twinkley 07-06-2006 11:35 AM


Thats not the program ron ... thats me :D

I got SO SICK of your BITCHING about NOT getting a reminder

I set it to send you 5 every time hahahahahaha

you still dont remember ... hmm ... where were YOU last friday?? hmmm :time:

hahahahaha *smooooch*


Ronaldo 07-06-2006 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by twinkley
you still dont remember ... hmm ... where were YOU last friday?? hmmm :time:

Thanks for your concern. I had a power outage. Tornadoes were touching down all around our city...which never happens. One was two blocks from my house. People were freaking out. It was quite nasty.

twinkley 07-06-2006 05:41 PM

Oh sure ... any ol excuse .... was prolly gettin head ...


Ronaldo 07-06-2006 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by twinkley
Oh sure ... any ol excuse .... was prolly gettin head ...


Yeah. So?

Just because we were scared was no reason for my wife not to be doing her job.

-=LC=- 07-09-2006 04:57 AM

you can try more than one ICQ # and use ICQLaunch
which will let you run multiple instances of ICQ at the same time

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