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blazi 07-04-2006 03:45 AM

How do I customize the look of a wordpress blog?
well folks, I FINALLY figured out how to set up my 1st blog WOOOHOO. Check it out: http://adultwebcams.blazinghotporn.com/feed/

I know it's probably not that big a deal to most of you but it's a big deal to me because after several failed attempts I was about to give up. 5 hours later I got it to work!! It's now 4:00 am, and I started working on the blog at 11:00 pm last night. Problem is, it's not my 1st attempt, I don't know how many late nights I've spent tryin' to figure out this whole wordpress thing lol, well it's simple now that I know what I'm doing (sorta).

Anyway, my question is this, do any of you know how to customize the look of a wordpress blog? Just curious, because I'd really like my blog to match the theme of my site. If any of you are familiar with Wordpress and can help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!!

Evil Chris 07-25-2006 11:32 AM

Hey blazi the blog looks nice! I haven't done much with Wordpress myself, I tend to stick with the blogger style.

stonegatherer 07-25-2006 01:27 PM

You have to edit the php modules that pertain to that section of the blog -- header, sidebar, footer, body, etc -- and depending upon what you need to do, might have to do it there (widths, heights) or in the css template (font, colors, some widths). It can be confusing because the shit you need to play with is everywhere, and not always where you would think it would be.

Or you might just be able to find a template you think is perfect and plug it in.

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