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-   -   Tampa? New Orleans? Palm Springs? Looking for your feedback... (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=15758)

LAJ 07-27-2006 02:01 PM

Tampa? New Orleans? Palm Springs? Looking for your feedback...
We are looking for the 10th Anniversary site for Cybernet Expo 2007 and are considering Tampa, New Orleans and Palm Springs. We have whittled the list down to these three cities and plan to announce the dates soon (tentative showdates to be in late May or early June 2007).

We know that pretty much every city has plusses and minuses but we'd like to hear some feedback from you about why or why not we should consider these three locations. We will be taking accommodations, hotel staff, local attractions, accessibility, price, etc.... all that stuff into account.

Your thoughts? Thanks...

gnat69 07-27-2006 02:53 PM

How About New York....

Tampa may be cool, but I went to the show in New Orleans in Sept of 2000 and I was very disappointed, and I got groped so I don't want to go back,

Sharpie 07-27-2006 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by gnat69
How About New York....

Tampa may be cool, but I went to the show in New Orleans in Sept of 2000 and I was very disappointed, and I got groped so I don't want to go back,

Our show in June at New Orleans was GREAT! It was not as muggy and we did not have any of the problems that Internext had. It was one of our best. We even had our own NightClub - thanks to NatNet.

Our FIRST show in '98 was just outside New York - but the prices are just too high now.

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