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leedsfan 07-28-2006 07:57 PM

Big Brother All Stars
ok, so im pathetic, i watch it. And the spurious rumours that it has anything to do with janelles looks are totaly false.

WHo do you think is going to win? I do like some of the characters on this series, besides the obvious self centered egos...

Evil Chris 07-28-2006 08:15 PM

FB and I watch it every summer.
We used to miss episodes occasionally in our pre-DVR days. :)

I have predicted James as the winner.

Funbrunette 07-28-2006 09:18 PM

I'm disapointed this year....So I look fwd to next year! That's just my 2 cents! :wank:

TheEnforcer 07-29-2006 01:18 PM

I'm loving watching the season 6 alliance dominate. Personally my choices for winning would be Kaysar 1st and then Chicken George 2nd. Man did George really want to be there or what?

Also, Erika is WAYYYYYYY hotter than Janelle.

Virgule3 07-29-2006 08:17 PM

I HATE Kaysar! I want Doctor Will to win again! He's so so obnoxious but so hot!!! hihi!


Evil Chris 07-31-2006 09:02 AM

I have to say I'm enjoying Will's game-play yet again. He's unpredictable and that's what makes his game appealing.

I would like to see someone like Kaysar or Howie get the back-door treatment like Jase got. That would be cool to see.

What I don't get however are how the so-called "floaters" aren't noticing anything going on around them. They have the numbers, yet they're too afraid to band together and secretly put their numbers together to flush out the obvious groups (BB6 and Chilltown).

Chilltown to me hardly even counts as an alliance. They're only two and possibly only one after this week.

gnat69 07-31-2006 10:42 AM

I have never watched this show and have been tuning in a bit, I have no idea who anyone is but all I see is drama, I just can't get into it.....

leedsfan 07-31-2006 01:29 PM

I think it's an interesting series. I predict that Kayser, Will, Janelle and James will make the final 4.

James will win.

PrideBucks_Juan 07-31-2006 07:11 PM

I just have to tell you, that I never started watching BB until season 3 and I think Danielle got ripped off. She totally should have won BB3 and I am hoping she wins BB7. Go Danielle!!!

Evil Chris 07-31-2006 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by TopBucks_Juan
I just have to tell you, that I never started watching BB until season 3 and I think Danielle got ripped off. She totally should have won BB3 and I am hoping she wins BB7. Go Danielle!!!

Juan, I am with you about Danielle. She was robbed in her season for sure. I think that it was her personal brand of cocky attitude that lost it for her in the end however.

PrideBucks_Juan 08-01-2006 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
Juan, I am with you about Danielle. She was robbed in her season for sure. I think that it was her personal brand of cocky attitude that lost it for her in the end however.

I agree, she did get a little cocky, but when you play a good game like she did, knowing that you played everyone, who can blame her. I like Lisa and all, but I don't think that she played the game as well as Danielle and certainly shouldn't have won that season.

Both Danielle and Jason kept thier secret all the way down to the end. Then when Danielle and Lisa were talking and Danielle asked her if she figured out that her and Jason were aligned...Lisa was like, "oh yeah, I figured it out". But my question is when did she figure it out? I really don't think she knew until the very end. But she made it sound like she knew the week after the decided to make that alliance.

I would love to meet Danielle and have her be my new best friend. LOL

TheEnforcer 08-01-2006 02:34 PM

Stragey wise I liked Janelle's nominations but I just wish she had chosen a diffeent floater. I REALLY don't want to see Erika go home yet!! LOL

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