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WEG_G 08-03-2006 02:06 PM

WEGCash - August Random Bonus Day Payouts & Win CASH!! Contest in this thread!!
WEGCash Random Bonus Day Month begins with our
FIRST Random Bonus Day on Friday, August 4th 2006!

On every Random Bonus Day we're paying out:

$100 per FuckHerRight signup
$2 per Join4Free signup
$60 per Custom Paysite signup (these will be released mid-August)

Bonuses will be in effect from 12:01am PT to 11:59pm PT, and will be automatically
added to your WEGCash webmaster account.

This is your 24 hr notice so that you can make sure to get your links up and enjoy
this great promotion!!

Random Bonus Days will run month-long with one Bonus Day selected every single week.

FuckHerRight is a Brand New site where
viewers write in asking for advice on how they can 'Fuck Her Right'. Whether it's
how to be dom in the bedroom; learning to do anal properly, or even how to suck cock
while being titty-fucked, ALL the answers are acted out and captured in graphic
movies and hardcore Hi-Res pictures! A variety of topics are covered creating an
interesting hardcore site with content that appeals to a wide-ranging audience.

That's nice, but get to the meat, how do I win?!
We want YOUR letters! How would YOU like to be educated by FuckHerRight? Write a
brief letter to FuckHerRight and post it in this thread and the BEST entry will win
$200 in hard cold cash!

PLUS!!! $100 BONUS payout for the Funniest FuckHerRight letter entered!

It's easy and fun, so make sure to enter!!

The Official Contest Rules
1 - Must abide by the XNations Board Rules
2 - You may enter as many times as you like.
3 - We retain the right to disqualify any entries at our discretion.
4 - We pay all winnings through your WEGCash account
5 - Contest starts now and will end on Friday, August 11th at 12noon PT.
6 - Judges decision is FINAL.

Get in touch if anyone needs anything!

Ruth - #233854608
Gabe - #142-295-729

skillfull 08-03-2006 02:46 PM

When beeing sucked by two girl at the same time, how do i have to share the cumn between them ? :P

Servhot 08-03-2006 03:02 PM

What is all this "sex" about?

Panky 08-03-2006 03:51 PM

Very cool contest! I can't wait to read some of the questions you guys and girls are going to come up with. :D

Good luck everyone!

DonMike 08-03-2006 04:14 PM

I'm gay, but have always wanted to have sex with a woman. Let's say I had one in my bed right now, what do I do next???

jo3 08-03-2006 04:26 PM

how do i properly dominate my girlfriend?


how do i make her squirt?


how do i keep my girl from laying the queef after laying the serious pipe?

jacobkell 08-03-2006 04:44 PM

So i need write something like this:
Fuckherright educate you how to properly fuckyourgirlfriend.
You will learn here how tow please here,how to make orgazm,how to making you as fever which woman get by your touch.You hands now will become magicly!

Btw where did you get that title,maybe by song of tenacius d called fuck her gently?

KarenJ 08-03-2006 08:40 PM

What's this "clitoris" thing I keep hearing about? LOL

Actually, on behalf of women everywhere, I hope you guys give lots and lots of information on your site about the clit and how to stimulate it.

blazi 08-03-2006 09:15 PM

Girls, in your opinion, Is it better to put it in quick, then drag it out, or put it in slow and remove cock quickly?

did I win, did I win?!? lol

Evil Chris 08-03-2006 09:54 PM

Hands up people in this thread who have actually had sex before.

(with another person)

Optic 08-04-2006 04:10 AM

Just think about it - Do you fuck her right when she's in bed?:laughout:

jacobkell 08-04-2006 05:24 AM

I do have sex with another person,are you satisfied now?

KarenJ 08-04-2006 09:01 AM

What's the best technique for making her come during cunnilingus?

Yes, I've got an agenda here :D

rock'n'porn 08-04-2006 09:42 AM

Who cares about foreplay?

DonMike 08-04-2006 12:14 PM

When having cybersex, how do you clean out the USB port when you're finished? :laughout:

gimo33 08-04-2006 05:57 PM

how do a 7ft guy do a 69 with a midget? :laughout:

scarlettcontent 08-04-2006 06:08 PM

What 'counts' as losing your virginity?


Don Soporno 08-05-2006 01:13 PM

Is anal sex easier with a cut or uncut penis?

Greg B 08-05-2006 04:45 PM

Is it true that busting too many nuts in your woman's mouth means she can have a baby in her forehead?

Gruntled 08-06-2006 09:10 AM

Speaking of having sex *with another person*,

Why is it that you climax so much quicker when masturbating, and with a partner, it takes a very long time? shouldn't they take about the same amount of time?

WEGRuth 08-08-2006 12:52 PM

Hi guys,

Some great questions in this thread.. but we're hoping to see them in a somewhat 'letter' format if possible.

Something like this:


I want to have a threesome with my boyfriend and my best friend but I don't know where to start. Can you show me how to have a great threesome so everyone gets some action?
Go WILD, be crazy, have fun and get adventurous!!

Thanks!!! :happy:

Don Soporno 08-08-2006 09:05 PM

Dear FuckHerRight
My wife wants to experiance anal sex for the first time. I am wondering if it is more confortable for a woman to have anal sex with a man who has an uncut penis? I figure that the uncut is more comfortable because the extra skin would hold in place in the anal cavity while the meatiness of the penis worked in and out under the skin. Causeing less strain on the anus itself.
Is this true?

LAJ 08-08-2006 10:54 PM

OK... I guess it's not too late to get into this thread!


I really want to do a foursome with three other women. I've got it all lined up... now I just need to show up and execute properly. With three women involved I'll need all the help I can get so it helps that the ladies are all into each other already. I don't plan on nutting for several days before the big event and know that I'll need to load up on B supplements and exercise since I'll probably need to go for a good two hours with this and hopefully get off at least 3 or 4 times myself. Aside from making sure that all three women cum at least twice each... what do I really need to do here to ensure I come off as a true stallion... since I strongly desire a repeat performance in the future before even getting out of the gate this time around...

Don Soporno 08-09-2006 11:21 AM

I vote for LAJ....LOLOL I wanna read the rest of the story now, what happens??...LOLOLOL

LAJ 08-09-2006 04:40 PM

Thanks Don Soporno...

Any other supporters? Cmon... I'll be happy to add on to this...

Don Soporno 08-09-2006 11:32 PM

I would suggest to someone writing that letter a couple hits of X and some viagra. You will fuck for umpteen hours with rigid wood you couldnt break with a sledge hammer...HAHAHAHAHAHA

WEGRuth 08-14-2006 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by LAJ
OK... I guess it's not too late to get into this thread!


I really want to do a foursome with three other women. I've got it all lined up... now I just need to show up and execute properly. With three women involved I'll need all the help I can get so it helps that the ladies are all into each other already. I don't plan on nutting for several days before the big event and know that I'll need to load up on B supplements and exercise since I'll probably need to go for a good two hours with this and hopefully get off at least 3 or 4 times myself. Aside from making sure that all three women cum at least twice each... what do I really need to do here to ensure I come off as a true stallion... since I strongly desire a repeat performance in the future before even getting out of the gate this time around...

Congratulations LAJ!! Excellent letter, I'm sure that'd make for a VERY good and HOT HOT HOT episode of FuckHerRight!! Oh the possibilities!!

Make sure to get in touch with me with your WEGCash ID so we can credit you your $200 winnings. :happy:

LAJ 08-14-2006 04:09 PM

Well holy shiiiite... I wasn't expecting this. Thanks much WEGCash!

Short Irish Guy 08-15-2006 10:08 PM

When I'm going down on a woman should I use a flat tongue, a rigid tongue, or let my girlfriend show me the proper way? :laughout:

Evil Chris 08-16-2006 08:25 AM

Congratulations Jay!!!

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