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Funbrunette 08-06-2006 06:20 PM

Got a new piercing!!!!!
After 2 year of considering doing it, I FINALLY got the courage to do it! I got my hood pierced today and it's adorable I got a gold jewelry with a diamond flower. I won't lie the pain was INSANE!!!!!! but I was a trooper and didn't cry! Now if I can just start walking normal again! :laughout:

And NO I'm not posting pics of my piercing! :wank: Pervs!

Panky 08-06-2006 06:29 PM

Very cool Steph! http://www.icando4u.com/smile/2thumbs.gif

blazi 08-06-2006 06:31 PM

sounds painful FB!!

Gruntled 08-06-2006 09:26 PM

Sounds ultra cute!
I've known a couple of girls who had it done, and they said that running up stairs with tight jeans on is quite an experience after that...


GoodChris 08-07-2006 07:02 AM

So, ... does this make it taste any better?

I think a good invention would be a hood-ring pez dispenser.

Ok, there it is...next million dollar idea.

BuggyG 08-07-2006 09:46 AM

well as the saying goes
this post is nothing without pics!! hehehe

wildgirl 08-07-2006 12:00 PM

sounds painful...post some pics

twinkley 08-07-2006 02:17 PM

wow! Yer brave steph!!! I still cant bring myself to do the nips .... anything lowewr is uhhh defintely outta the question hehehe


pawsregd 08-07-2006 02:30 PM

Very sexy!!

Funbrunette 08-07-2006 03:52 PM

Yeah I'm pretty happy today the pain is gone. And those of you who are asking for pictures "Ya gotta be shitting me" Like I'm going to post a picture of my pussy! Do like everyone else and sign up....lol kidding! :laughout:

Gruntled 08-07-2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by GoodChris
So, ... does this make it taste any better?

I think a good invention would be a hood-ring pez dispenser.

Ok, there it is...next million dollar idea.

You'd better have the patent papers filed before posting this!


BuggyG 08-08-2006 03:29 PM

so seriously people
comeon.. n oone wants to say it.. so I'll say it again

this thread is USELESS WITHOUT PICS!!! :laughout: :wank: :laughout:

lol hehe I know.. I know.. but hey.. some of us wanan dream to pass the day :D

WEGRuth 08-08-2006 04:01 PM

how long til you're allowed to 'use' the area again? is there a cooldown period to avoid infection or anything?

wtg on swallowing whatever fear you had and going for what you wanted :happy:

Funbrunette 08-08-2006 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by WEGRuth
how long til you're allowed to 'use' the area again? is there a cooldown period to avoid infection or anything?

wtg on swallowing whatever fear you had and going for what you wanted :happy:

They said about a week or so (yeah like that's going to happen....lol) I'm surprised on how fast it's healing the swelling is COMPLETELY gone and it feels kind of nice when I walk...lol :laughout: I think it's just important to keep it clean and disinfected if I should lose my mind and go on a humping rampage...lol :sperm:

But to be 100% honest Ruth if I had to do it again I wouldn't the initial pain was too much! :doh: but I'm sooooooooooo happy it's done!

stonegatherer 08-08-2006 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette
And NO I'm not posting pics of my piercing! :wank: Pervs!

I'll post a pic of my PA if you post a pic of your hood piercing :)

Funbrunette 08-09-2006 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by stonegatherer
I'll post a pic of my PA if you post a pic of your hood piercing :)

Nah....I like to keep some stuff to myself! ;)

TheLegacy 08-09-2006 11:49 AM

must suck when you walk by the fridge and all those magnets start jumping for the metal

Trouble Tonya 08-09-2006 07:06 PM

OMG you crazy girl! Congratz on just doing it. I dated a chick one time with a hood ring..its cool to stick your tongue ring in her hood ring and move your tongue around..it brings intense pleasure. :)

Funbrunette 08-09-2006 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Trouble Tonya
OMG you crazy girl! Congratz on just doing it. I dated a chick one time with a hood ring..its cool to stick your tongue ring in her hood ring and move your tongue around..it brings intense pleasure. :)

You busy tonight? :laughout:

Trouble Tonya 08-10-2006 12:22 PM

:luv: Never too busy for you baby...Your place or mine? :pornshoot HA HA HA!!


stonegatherer 08-10-2006 12:33 PM

Well it looks like I am gonna be left out again because I have to work late ....

JoeyCanoli 08-10-2006 01:04 PM

Wow... thats pretty hot! Too bad no pics :-(

RawAlex 08-10-2006 05:40 PM

I am so lacking in imagination... the lack of visual support for this thread is quite, umm, disappointing! ;)

Trouble Tonya 08-10-2006 05:45 PM

I agree RawAlex. I think FB should take a pic and at least PM it to us for private viewing.... ;)

Funbrunette 08-11-2006 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Trouble Tonya
I agree RawAlex. I think FB should take a pic and at least PM it to us for private viewing.... ;)

A little bird told me you may get to see it in person...:angel:

JoeyCanoli 08-11-2006 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette
A little bird told me you may get to see it in person...:angel:

I cant wait!:)

stonegatherer 08-11-2006 11:44 AM

I feed the little birds, why don't they ever talk to me or tell me stuff like this?

Janell 08-11-2006 01:17 PM

Congrats on the piercing... I am a wimp about pain so I could never but I hear from others it's entertaining.

Trouble Tonya 08-11-2006 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette
A little bird told me you may get to see it in person...:angel:

:wow: :wow: :wow:
I love little birds, and NEW PIERCINGS!! Hope to see you real soon babe. :)

Virgule3 08-14-2006 05:57 PM


Is it a horizontal piercing or a vertical one?

I have had my HCH for about 5-6 years and I LOVE it! I want more...


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