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luke 01-17-2003 04:08 PM

Another Rambo?

Are you kdding me???

Evil Chris 01-17-2003 04:18 PM

HAHAHA.... Sure why not!!! :p

Stallone has been kinda cheesy for a few years now! Doesn't surprise me!

luke 01-17-2003 04:21 PM

Exactly, I'm sure he'll be bulletproof in this one too...lol.

Evil Chris 01-17-2003 04:30 PM

Bin Laden is the disease...
Stallone.... the CURE.


Mister X 01-17-2003 05:18 PM

Ouch! At the bottom it says they're doing Rocky 6 too. And that's even scarier.:bonk:

luke 01-17-2003 05:23 PM

haha That funny. How old is Stalone? And he's going to be playing a boxer?


luke 01-17-2003 05:28 PM

I tried to find a good wav file for this thread but can't find any Rocky or Rambo files. :(

Mister X 01-17-2003 05:49 PM

<bgsound src="http://www.pervotheclown.com/911.wav">
This sound seems appropriate!

pornodoggy 01-18-2003 02:27 AM


Originally posted by luke
haha That funny. How old is Stalone? And he's going to be playing a boxer?


Rocky vs. George Foreman?

Darin 01-18-2003 02:51 AM

Hes so old, they need to rename the movie to: SOFTY


firehorse 01-18-2003 04:13 AM

That is too funny as I hear call 911, Kitty stepped on something on the floor in the kitchen, she is fine, she didn't know that at first. That is why in retrospect it is really funny. We both laughed lol :D

Feynman 01-18-2003 12:00 PM

I've also read somewhere that the screenplays have been written up to
Rambo XXIV and Rocky XXXVII


Funbrunette 01-18-2003 12:13 PM

LMAO!!!! Is that George Costanza I hear yelling "Call 911" Hehehehe! :laughout:

Horg 01-18-2003 03:10 PM

Talk about Bin Laden :

Mister X 01-18-2003 08:29 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
LMAO!!!! Is that George Costanza I hear yelling "Call 911" Hehehehe! :laughout:
Actually it's Richard Dreyfus from Down and Out in Beverly Hills. It's from the scene where he finds Nick Nolte in the pool. :D

Feynman 01-19-2003 11:59 AM

> > Chicago Passes Anti-War Resolution 46-1 Vote
> > To: alw@peaceinspace.com
> >
> > For Immediate Release
> >
> > Chicago Passes Anti-War Resolution 46-1 Vote Follows
> > Extensive and Personal Debate (Chicago, Jan. 16, 2003)
> >
> > After one of the most mesmerizing, impassioned and
> > personal debates ever to occur in Chicago's City
> > Council Chamber, Chicago has become the largest and
> > most prominent city in the nation to formally oppose a
> > unilateral pre-emptive strike on Iraq.
> >
> > One by one, black and white, Latino and Jewish, men
> > and women, the Aldermen stood to draw attention to
> > their own particular concerns with the current path of
> > the Bush Administration. Many pointed out that the
> > real dangers this nation faces today are the rising
> > rates of unemployment and economic stagnation. Others
> > were concerned about the double standard the
> > administration is showing with respect to North Korea.
> >
> > And some drew attention to the prospect of young sons
> > and daughters coming home in body bags from an
> > ill-conceived war.
> > The Committee of Human Relations of the Chicago City
> > Council sent the "Resolution Opposing Pre-emptive U.S.
> >
> > Military Strikes on Iraq" to the full council today
> > after a vote yesterday.
> >
> > "It is our sons and daughters who will be recruited-
> > perhaps even conscripted-to fight in this war," said
> > Ald. Joseph Moore (49th), chief sponsor of the
> > resolution. Ald. Leslie Hairston (5th) was concerned
> > that the "cost of the war will dry up federal funding
> > for domestic programs for a war that has yet to be
> > justified."
> >
> > Judith Kossy of Chicagoans Against the War on Iraq
> > said she and her organization were deeply moved by the
> > leadership of Ald. Joe Moore, Ald. Helen Shiller, Ald.
> >
> > Ricardo Munoz, Ald. Leslie Hairston and by the action
> > taken today the City Council. "Two out of three
> > people in the nation oppose a unilateral war. It's
> > important for local leaders to articulate their
> > constituent's feelings to President Bush and to the
> > world," Kossy said.
> > The full resolution follows:
> >
> >
> > WHEREAS, the issues between Iraq and the world
> > community have not proven to be irresoluble by
> > traditional diplomatic efforts; and
> >
> > WHEREAS, while Saddam Hussein is a tyrant who should
> > be removed from power, both for the good of the Iraqi
> > people and for the security of Iraq's neighboring
> > countries, it is not at all clear that a unilateral
> > U.S. military action would result in the installation
> > of a free and democratic Iraqi government; and
> >
> > WHEREAS, U.S. military actions would risk the deaths
> > of thousands of Iraqi civilians without guaranteeing
> > the
> > safety and security of U.S. citizens; and
> >
> > WHEREAS, a pre-emptive and unilateral U.S. military
> > attack would violate international law and our
> > commitments under the U.N. Charter and further isolate
> > the U.S. from the rest of the world; and
> >
> > WHEREAS, the Congressional Budget Office estimates a
> > military action against Iraq will cost our nation
> > between $9 and $13 billion a month, likely resulting
> > in further cuts in federally funded projects and
> > programs
> > that benefit our city and its residents; and
> >
> > WHEREAS, a U.S.-led war in Iraq would compromise our
> > current action in Afghanistan, and require years of
> > nation-building activities in Iraq; and
> >
> > WHEREAS, the Bush administration has failed to
> > articulate a clear strategic objective or outcome of a
> > military attack against Iraq, and such an attack fails
> > to enjoy the support of many of our important allies;
> > and
> >
> > WHEREAS, we give our unconditional support to U.S.
> > military personnel serving at home and abroad in their
> > tireless battle against global terrorism, and should
> > our military forces be sent to Iraq, we give our
> > unyielding support to our young men and women serving
> > in our nation's military, even if we oppose the policy
> > that sent them there;
> >
> > NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of
> > the City Council of the City of Chicago, oppose a
> > pre-emptive U.S. military attack on Iraq unless it is
> > demonstrated that Iraq poses a real and imminent
> > threat to the security and safety of the United
> > States; and
> >
> > BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we support a return of
> > U.N. weapons inspectors to Iraq, enhanced by
> > sufficient
> > police support to guarantee unfettered access to all
> > targeted sites; and
> >
> > BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we urge the U.S. to work
> > through the U.N. Security Council and reaffirm our
> > nation's commitment to the rule of law in all
> > international relationships; and
> >
> > BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution
> > be forwarded to the Illinois congressional delegation
> > and the President of the United States.
> > ----------------------------------------------------

Feynman 01-19-2003 12:11 PM

Do not rejoice too early though.

Most people I asked to have the feeling the present corporate United States administration will not balk at creating an incident to justify their action.*

Oklahoma City Murrah building bombing comes to mind.

Even the WTC incident is believed by many to be of that nature, and certain point they raise are difficult to argue against.

Everybody is pulling the blanket on their side...

Expect lotsa ugliness.

* there is a document presently circulating on the net to the effect that there are presently 90,000 Chinese soldiers in uniform 20 miles south of
Tijuana, 10,000 Class 1 Al Kida ( phonetic sp) in U.S. now (high-trained troops); and 20,000 Class 2 (trained troops) - all set to go.

The rumor goes that bombs are already installed and that US cities are to be nuked one at a time. That US intelligence people have taken their families out of the country, that they terroritst are ready to spread smalpox and that they are readying themselve for the moment with US troops will be away fighting other wars (Iraq, Korea).

I give zero credibility to this kind of unsigned, undocumented fear-mongering progapanda.

OTOH, it might very well be a "primer" to some corporate United States forged event (one small bomb, one bio-attack) to justify getting into a full-fledged war abroad, and a full fledged war on united states of America people here.

We have this saying: "the man who wants to kill his dog alledges it has rabbies."

silverway 01-20-2003 12:52 PM

Uhm... could be a great movie.... but I think stallon is a bit too old

silverway 01-20-2003 12:53 PM


Originally posted by silverway
Uhm... could be a great movie.... but I think stallon is a bit too old
But kicking Ousama's ass in a movie will be a best seller movie.

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