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TheLegacy 08-11-2006 11:06 AM

Mother gives 15 yr old daughter to boyfriend for sex
from the files of WTF comes:

MUSKEGON HEIGHTS, Michigan (AP) -- A woman who feared she would lose her boyfriend while she recuperated from surgery arranged for her 15-year-old daughter to have sex with him, authorities said.

Police said the three signed an agreement specifying the sexual services the girl would perform and the compensation she would receive, including clothing and body piercings. The 37-year-old man and the girl had sex about 20 times over two months, police said.


JoeyCanoli 08-11-2006 02:05 PM

wow thats some funky shit

carol.prime 08-11-2006 04:13 PM

How sick! :knight:WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!

Panky 08-11-2006 04:34 PM

:what: Yeah that's a real healthy and stable relationship. :twisted: I feel so sorry for the kid. My guess is, the mom is all healed up and back in full swing again and the daughter suddenly became competition. Friction started, the girl got pissed, started telling another adult knowing all to well that she could win the war against her mom and the story unfolds.

Regardless of whatever transpired, whether the teen was a willing participant or whether she went along with it to not disappoint her mom, reality will hit one day and she will grow up knowing her mom pimped her out. That her own mother actually conceived such an idea and then implemented it, placing her own and her boyfriends needs over that of her own daughter. That's really, really sad. Hopefully the kid gets some good counselling before she begins to self destruct.

Mr. Blue 08-11-2006 11:44 PM

Welll, hell...lol, some people just shouldn't be allowed to breed.

canadian4life 08-12-2006 12:06 PM

i think some people shouldn't live for doing such fucked up things.

Funbrunette 08-12-2006 03:07 PM

That's fucked up! People should have to "apply" to have kids it should be a privilege not a right.

TheEnforcer 08-13-2006 07:37 PM

That's about as fucked up a thing as can happen.

chutchord 08-14-2006 02:21 AM

what an idiot lol

Sin 08-14-2006 01:39 PM

It blows my mind, the thought processes which must've taken place...

"He won't love me anymore if I have a valid medical excuse to not have sex"
"...But he'll love me if I pimp out my underage daughter to him!"

....I shudder to think of not only the lack of morality that the mother must have, but that the boyfriend must as well,... although (and no offense boys) I suppose it could just be attributed to he's a red blooded male and took an opportunity when presented.

TheLegacy 08-14-2006 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sin
It blows my mind, the thought processes which must've taken place...

"He won't love me anymore if I have a valid medical excuse to not have sex"
"...But he'll love me if I pimp out my underage daughter to him!"

....I shudder to think of not only the lack of morality that the mother must have, but that the boyfriend must as well,... although (and no offense boys) I suppose it could just be attributed to he's a red blooded male and took an opportunity when presented.

sadly I think this was his doing - "you know your going to be out of commission a few months - what am I going to do for sex?"

if your only thinking of yourself then you will manipulate any relationship to get what you want. The mother on the other hand, I have to blame more since she put her 'guy' over her own 'flesh and blood'. I dont care who it is, you dont sell family like that... not too mention she was probably to self conscious and needy that she was desparate for affection. The girl, well she will listen to whatever mom says.

that is my guess - but I blame the mom for it and the guy for not being able to love enough to wait

Virgule3 08-14-2006 05:43 PM

I am very open minded towards sex, usually, nothing shocks me, but this one? Man some people are sick!

I can't even start to imagine that some people will actually even think about such a thing, let alone do it!

this is stupid, sick...


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