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Fullcontactfighter 01-19-2003 01:53 AM

In Memoery of my Father
On Thursday, January, 16th, 2003, my father has passed away peacefully in his bed. He was surrounded by his loved one's as he exited this world.

I guess my dad is a unsung hero (or maybe all of us are in some sense). My father was a humble man who would rather starve himself in order to feed someone else. He was the type of man who would have tea with his enemy to work things out. As hard as he worked, he never wanted recognition or any praise for what he did. I didn't learn this until my father got ill, but he worked next to some of the great, Vidal Sasson, the President of the Hudson Bay Company, just to name a few. He was a good man of business, just because he was honest. He always wanted me to work for myself and start a business, that until i told him that i wish to sell adult DVD's, he started wondering!...but he was always proud of me.

It's odd, i know im suppose to be a guy but even i find it hard not to cry and feel loss as i write this. My father was a great man who loved his children very much. Sometimes i dont find it fair, why does God choose to take the good?, why was my dad to suffer?. It's like my dad only did good and received pain as his reward. It's hard to think about but i know that my father was well respected.

I guess it's time for me to "grow up", be a man and carry the load. At my age of 22 years, i have a mortage to pay for, 2 cars that i must maintain plus loads of bills. I would be lying to say that im not scared. What gives me strength is the advice i recall my father giving me. He told me that "You have 2 arms, 2 legs and 1 brain, just as everyone else, and you have the capabilty to do anything you want as long as you work hard, you can achieve anything". I know i will make him proud.

I love my dad very much, and miss him grately. I would give the world just to hear him say "Good morning" to me again, or do anything to feel him slap me across my head or pat me on my back. Most of all, i miss his wisdom that he use to bestow upon me.

My father's ashes were scattered at Niagra Falls, now he is one with the Earth.

I know that he is watching over me and my family. I hope he is looking over my shoulder right now, if so, i have this to say:

I love you dad and i miss you very much

firehorse 01-19-2003 04:13 AM

Hi Fullcontactfighter,

Your Dad was a wonderful man, I can tell by what he has helped you learn.

The strength of character and compassion and inspiration he shared with you and displayed will always be with you and that would make him proud.

When my step Dad physically died a few years ago, I was very upset (he raised me as his own) and someone said to me something I have always remembered:

"Do not cry because I have gone, smile because i have been."

To cry is to express bering human, to be scared is part of feeling alive. It is how we react to that fear that counts.

You can do anything you really believe you can. Just like "With our thoughts we make the world." - The Buddha or "A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark." - Dante or "The most powerful weapon in the world is a focussed mind."

Focus on love and on believing in yourself with absolutely no doubtl!

My best thoughts to you, peace and profit Fullcontactfighter!!!

GOD 01-19-2003 08:15 AM

Jason :

Your father is in a much better place now.

He is smiling upon you.

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 01-19-2003 08:19 AM


My condolences and sympathies go out to you and your family in your time of loss. I know how rough on you these past few months have been. You have my phone number. Use it sometime when you need a friendly ear ... please ?!?

Be strong brother ...

Evil Chris 01-19-2003 10:54 AM

What a very touching post. I'm very sorry to read of your loss.
I'm sure your father was an incredible man who will sorely be missed.

Funbrunette 01-19-2003 11:48 AM

My thoughts are with you and your family...It's never easy to lose someone we love. He's in a better place now and keeping an eye on you! :)

ARiA 01-19-2003 04:52 PM

I am very sorry for your loss. there is nothing I, or anyone else could say to make the pain, sorrow and loss just go away... take some time to reflect on all of the memories you shared and make every attempt do the best with your own life.. that will make him proud.
you are in my thoughts..

Vid Vicious 01-19-2003 08:41 PM

thank you for that very well written post ...

pornodoggy 01-19-2003 11:46 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours during this time of pain ...

AcidMaX 01-20-2003 08:48 AM

Your father will always be with you. It seems like your father was a very caring man, the greatest thing he has done is bestowed some of his great assets upon you. Your father is in a much better place, and will be walking with you through your Journey of life.

Sorry for the loss of your father.


DragonKing 01-20-2003 09:05 AM

My condolences on your incredible loss,

Do not be afraid of failing, that means that your not taking chances and to be the best we all must push ourselves to our limits.
Failing comes with wanting to better yourself, of course we try to keep those to a minimum!

What makes a man a man, is not his burdens or responsibilities that he has put upon himself but the capability of always winding up on top through rough seas and bad weather.

I don't know you but it seems as if your father gave you all the tools to be the best!


Feynman 01-20-2003 02:41 PM


Originally posted by AcidMaX
Your father will always be with you.
This is true always, wether your father was a great man or an utter jerk, wether you cry his loss or say "good riddance" with immense relief on the day of his death ...

So guys, raise your children well, nurture their self esteem and love them. Nobody ever died nor any children were wasted by an overdose of genuine love...

Kenny B 01-20-2003 03:01 PM

My condolences go out to you and your family, I am very sorry for your loss. Your dad sounds like a great man as you will be by following his words of advise.

Fullcontactfighter 01-23-2003 05:04 PM

Words can not express the support that i have received from this board at this difficult time.

I thank each any every one of your for your advice, and keeping my father in your prayers and thoughts.

I guess its time for me to find some work, or start my business again and get things rolling.

Once again, thank you

Raya 01-23-2003 07:20 PM


Your loss is felt by all of us, for those like myself who's parents are gone, and the others will think of their parents where ever they are.

You brought tears to my eyes and made me remember all the things my father taught me. My Father has been gone for a very long time now but for a moment it was as if he was beside me. Thank you for sharing and for opening your heart.

Your Father will be with you as long as you remember him and keep him in your heart. Cherish his love and what he taught you.


Ounique 01-23-2003 07:59 PM


Thank you for sharing that with us. When we lose someone close to us it is always hard. Firehorse is right. Cherish the memory of who he was and the things he's blessed you with as a person, and he will never truely be gone. Take care.

sweetums 01-24-2003 01:06 AM


I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your dad with us. I'm not sure why God makes the decisions it does. Who stays...who goes...who suffers...who doesn't. You're right...it isn't fair. But, maybe that isn't what matters...maybe it's the way you live your life. Your father seemed to get that.

Remember him and validate him. Take the time to feel whatever you need to right now -- and take the time to be good to yourselves and each other. Lots of prayers your way...


slater 01-24-2003 10:45 AM

Sad news. My condolences to you and yours fullcontactfighter.

Amber 01-24-2003 12:28 PM


I am so sorry for your loss; my heart goes out to you! Now you know who your guardian angel is and your father will be with you, and your loved ones, always!

Deep Sympathies,

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