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Mr. Blue 08-28-2006 05:54 PM

Will XNations be the next?
1 Attachment(s)
Before I start this...Panky, you're not allowed to laugh.

I'm on a quest, yes, a quest that harkens back to the knights of yore :knight:

I'm trying to get the mrblue named smiley on every adult forum. So far two have fallen to this smiley and XNations is the next conquest in this mission.

I'm just saying...ask Panky, I'm as annoying as hell when I'm on a quest, so you might as well just give up now and add the Mr. Blue smiley, named mrblue, and just give up now. I'm not even asking for the second mrblue2 smiley, that'll come later...but for now...see attached.

Panky 08-28-2006 08:54 PM



Originally Posted by Mr. Blue
I'm as annoying as hell when I'm on a quest

That's an understatement. :scram:

Mr. Blue 08-29-2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Panky

That's an understatement. :scram:

Don't start with me...you know my quest is pure and nothing can stop me.

Funbrunette 08-29-2006 09:02 PM

I think it's not impossible....Should we ask pank's opinion? :laughout:

blazi 08-29-2006 11:41 PM



Mr. Blue 08-30-2006 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette
I think it's not impossible....Should we ask pank's opinion? :laughout:

Hmm, normally I'd say, go ask panky and she'd agree...but she's being difficult of late and taunting me with nachos while I'm supposed to be on a diet, so I'm not sure, but okay, go ask her.

xxxmalouxxx 08-30-2006 01:49 AM

lol.. that's kinda cute actually

Panky 08-30-2006 03:45 AM


Mr. Blue is a New Yorker. A New Yorker on a mission. "Choose your battles wisely" applies here. http://www.icando4u.com/smile/winkwink.gif

As much as I really, really love to torment Mr. Blue and I enjoy debating/arguing with him, my 30% evil side is going to take a back seat on this one.

I vote for honoring Mr. Blues request. :)

blazi 08-30-2006 06:29 PM

I don't have the energy to take on such huge battle at this time so also vote to add Mr. Blue smilie!!

Mr. Blue 08-31-2006 05:55 PM

No justice, no peace

btw, don't make me bring Al Sharpton in on this...I'm just saying...avoid the Sharpton now before it's too late.

-=LC=- 08-31-2006 10:23 PM

XNations is the best!

The question should be who will be the next XNations?

stonegatherer 09-01-2006 12:55 PM

I agree, add MrBlue, we should all have our own smilies.

What program do you use to to build a smiley? An icon builder?

Mr. Blue 09-01-2006 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by stonegatherer
I agree, add MrBlue, we should all have our own smilies.

What program do you use to to build a smiley? An icon builder?

Didn't make that one, lol, it just seems to follow me around where ever I go.

btw, I'm going on a hunger strike until the smiley is added (wait, does pizza count as food? Cause, umm, I'm not giving up pizza).

-=LC=- 09-01-2006 02:11 PM

this is mine > http://www.clubprocafe.com/spam1.gif = to be :lc:

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