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-   -   Anhowsir Bush seeking an online rep in LC (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=16071)

-=LC=- 09-08-2006 02:39 PM

Anhowsir Bush seeking an online rep in LC
Lawrence Connor to be made unofishull Budwiser
spokesperson and representative among the online
adult webmaster community after notice had been
taken of Legendary Lawrence's many pictures of
himself with beer, many including Anhowsir Bush
products such as Mikalobe and Budwiser, etc.


Someone with an ICQ nick of "Anhowsir Bush Ofishull"
"We are seeking to increase brand awareness and consumption
of Anhowsir Bush products online among the adult webmaster community
as this group of consumers is known to dwell within their humble abodes
24/7, huddled chained to their PC's in darkened rooms, without time
to bathe, shave, sleep adequately, or seek sufficient nourishment,
and as such beer is a great help to such subsisting individuals,
such substinence that beer can provide, specifically Budwiser
or any other Anhowsir Bush brand beer, might let them
have some caloric intake and food energy to seek out
more normal human activity, but it's pretty doubtful."


"We are confident that -=LC=-
( "a.k.a.": ClubPro, TheMessenger, Lawrence Connor )
will be very effective in the capacity of elevating the presence
and recognition of our Budwiser and others beers
among this prime consumer group for beer, and our
elevated brand awareness of Anhowsir Bush beers
will at least have our famous Budwiser and other beers
in more "peoples" eyes more often if not also result
in a corresponding increase in consumption and sales."


However, as noted, one observer has pointed out that
"If > LC < is going to be your rep, then webmasters
aren't going to buy or drink more Budwiser, what they
will do is ban or boycott that beer in protest of that!"

Speculation aside, that remains to be seen,
However, one thing that is known for certain:
"Beer made Bud wiser, and it can you too!"

Evil Chris 09-08-2006 03:35 PM

Budweiser? LC, that's like drinking vegetable oil. Gross beer.

-=LC=- 09-08-2006 04:24 PM

:D Yeah, Chris, I hear ya, but I already had ;)
the Budweiser glasses and the red shirt and hat, etc.

at least I am not making a false claim in this thread:

I was careful to say not only "Budwiser" every time :)

an also "Anhowsir Bush', but also referred to "Mikalobe",

now all of these are incorrect and I wrote the two main ones

here consistently incorrect, it isn't Anhowsir Bush or Budwiser,

of course the correct spellings and references would be to:

Anheuser Busch and to Budweiser, but I did not write those.

Evil Chris 09-08-2006 04:25 PM

I'd still watch out man.... their legal department is probably all over this thread by now. ;)

-=LC=- 09-08-2006 04:37 PM

I also wrote "unofishull" as for me being a rep
(like but not exactly the same as unofficial)

and as for "someone with an ICQ nick...." was "Ofishull" (not Official)

Evil Chris 09-08-2006 08:14 PM

I still think you're probably under investigation by now maybe.
If guys in suits with dark glasses show up at your place soon, don't be surprised.

-=LC=- 09-08-2006 10:10 PM

oh heck I know those guys they
bring video cameras and strapons


Evil Chris 09-08-2006 10:22 PM

more pics with beer?

Lawrence, do your parents know you're into their liquor cabinet?

-=LC=- 09-08-2006 10:26 PM

hehe lol hiccup thats a good one burp
hey, at least I can turn on my PC now

Panky 09-08-2006 10:32 PM

What's with the beer pics anyway? You're not 13 sneaking beer now are you? Besides, it's pretty tacky to be showing pics of you wearing a shirt that advertises another board.

Evil Chris 09-08-2006 10:35 PM

I'd have to agree with the tee shirt thing LC...

You must have other things to wear, like maybe a Budweiser wife-beater or something? What do they wear in Virginia anyway?

Panky 09-09-2006 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
I'd have to agree with the tee shirt thing LC...

You must have other things to wear, like maybe a Budweiser wife-beater or something? What do they wear in Virginia anyway?

Camouflage or flannel and truck driver hats.

-=LC=- 09-09-2006 01:06 AM

we all wear oversized condoms as hats for our small heads
and generally go roun naked otherwise running all the way

-=LC=- 09-09-2006 05:02 PM

I had me a great breakfast this morning featuring some spam yum

Ronaldo 09-09-2006 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Panky
What's with the beer pics anyway? You're not 13 sneaking beer now are you? Besides, it's pretty tacky to be showing pics of you wearing a shirt that advertises another board.

I'm sorry, no offense. But if I was going to be posting a pic of myself to a messageboard, the last thing I'd be thinking about is having to wear the proper attire. I might wear an MP shirt one day and an Xnations another day and post pics to both boards. If someone seriously gave me shit about that, I'd simply never come back.

Now, if he was LINKING to another board or something, that would be different.

-=LC=- 09-09-2006 05:19 PM

You tell em Ron http://www.clubprocafe.com/spam1.gif

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