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LAJ 09-13-2006 12:48 PM

LAJ Leaving the YNOT Humpday Lunch radio show
That's right... after nearly 5 years on the industry's longest continuously running adult webmaster radio show, I regret to inform everyone that I am leaving the "YNOT Humpday Lunch radio show" as co-host.

No drama... It's been a wild, crazy, sometimes tiring, interesting, and fun five year ride every Wednesday with YNOT Bob filled with all kinds of great guests, pranks and hot topics of discussion.ha Creatively I've been in a rut and busy with so much else, that I figured I'd like to end my participation on a high note and take a short break from "entertaining" on the radio. This decision will not affect my role as YNOT VP Marketing & Ad sales, YNOT Radio ad sales, YNOT chat admin, nor will it affect my role as Cybernet Expo director or anything else I'm involved in... all of that is still status quo. I wish only the best for the future of the YNOT Humpday Lunch.

I want to thank, Bob, the YNOT Radio staff, past producers, all of the listeners, guest hosts, guests and sponsors over the years for your involvement and support of the YNOT Humpday Lunch, and to tell you to be on the lookout for a special YNOT "spotlight" hour that I'll be launching in the next few weeks as well as another show that is in development and yet to be named, both to air on YNOT Radio. As always I can be reached on icq 92418228 or email jay at ynot dot com. "See" you back on the YNOT Radio airwaves, soon!

Evil Chris 09-13-2006 12:55 PM

I'm trying to get through to Joan Rivers to see if she's interested in replacing you Jay. ;)

I can't believe you juggle as much as you do without the radio show!

TheLegacy 09-13-2006 01:18 PM

lets face facts - YNOT lost your 2257 records and you can't be on the show until they can prove that your over 18

LAJ 09-13-2006 02:04 PM

LOL guys...

Pat_theBrat 09-14-2006 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy
lets face facts - YNOT lost your 2257 records and you can't be on the show until they can prove that your over 18

I had the same thought.

gunner 09-14-2006 11:52 AM

Although I hadn't tuned in to the show much in the last few months, I used to make humpday shows almost every week. It just won't be the same without you though. If there is to be another co-host, they've got some mighty big shoes to fill!

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