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camprovider 09-20-2006 06:16 AM

Payment Processor Software

I am searching for a software solution to manage my own payment gateways (CC, bank wire and invoicing). Software should also include template engine for registration forms and managing of members accounts.

Hope someone could help out with an ready to use script or software solution.

thanks and best regards


Evil Chris 09-20-2006 08:47 AM

CCBill can do all of this for you I think.
You don't have to use their processing to take advantage of the use of their backend stats system.

Check with them to be sure though. Viel gluck. :)

camprovider 09-20-2006 12:10 PM


thanks for reply, but this isn`t what I am searching. I am searching for Membership Management System with managing of my own payment processes and soft should include full template based subscription management.

Danke :)


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