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Jimmidean 09-25-2006 12:27 PM

Capital Bash Date for Ottawa
Ok Xnation due to some great support we are back again.
Just to give you a heads up the date for this years event will be Saturday Oct 28th.
All the info is at capitalbash.com
This hotel is always sold out so please book early.
And please check out the sponsorship oppurtunities (they sold out last year)
This party will once again feature a Pre-party cocktail party thanks to Michael and Patty from Qwebecexpo.com.
And of course Limo service to the club as well as a sponsored bar.
We will cap this years guest list at around 130 so please register early after all its free due to our great sponsors.
Anyone needs any info or anything else hit me up.
More info to follow
(See Sig)

Vid Vicious 09-25-2006 02:19 PM

Bump 4 ya ...

Jimmidean 09-25-2006 05:43 PM

Vid hit me up about this one when you have time.

MediaGuy 09-25-2006 07:49 PM

Oh my lord here we go again... just when you thought the summer tradeshow season was over... the Canadians come out of the woodwork!

Heheheh Mr. Jimmi i can't wait...

Jimmidean 09-25-2006 09:42 PM

I have already sold the back of your head (front is still on the table)
so you better come my friend.
Cant wait to see you guys.

TastyDollars Ray 09-25-2006 10:45 PM

Woot, TastyDollars will be there :) Just sent you guys an email concerning advertising.


quotealex 09-25-2006 11:24 PM

Will the club be walking distance from the hotel?
I know there is a limo service, but limo is not my thang.

Vid Vicious 09-26-2006 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by quotealex
Will the club be walking distance from the hotel?
I know there is a limo service, but limo is not my thang.

I'll let you run aside our cab, no worries alex

Evil Chris 09-26-2006 03:10 PM

I'm going to try to make it this year! :)

Jimmidean 09-26-2006 03:18 PM

Alex the clubs we are checking out at the moment are only a seven dollar cab ride you can walk if you wish but it would be a little far.
We will have limo service and you can sit on my knee if you wish.
Chris you are out of excuses you must come this year, We handed out a ton of Xnation shirts last year and they were a big hit. (Thanks again)
TastyDollars what can I say its people like you that make all this happen.
I am looking forward to doing some biz with you guys.

Panky 09-29-2006 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Jimmidean
I have already sold the back of your head (front is still on the table)

He's got a perfectly shaped head for advertising. :laughout:

Jimmidean 09-29-2006 08:30 AM

Press releases for this event will go out next week along with the party location etc.
The hotel has a limited number of rooms left so if you dont wish to walk from the hotel down the street grab a room soon.
They are huge and well priced (great for a photoshoot while you are there)
And a HUGE thank you to TastyDollars for picking up the dancer sponsor:boobies: and of course to Qwebecexpo with there pre VIP party to be the first to step in this year.
Thanks for the support guys.
Jim and Jenn

Stephane76 09-29-2006 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jimmidean
Ok Xnation due to some great support we are back again.
Just to give you a heads up the date for this years event will be Saturday Oct 28th.
All the info is at capitalbash.com
This hotel is always sold out so please book early.
And please check out the sponsorship oppurtunities (they sold out last year)
This party will once again feature a Pre-party cocktail party thanks to Michael and Patty from Qwebecexpo.com.
And of course Limo service to the club as well as a sponsored bar.
We will cap this years guest list at around 130 so please register early after all its free due to our great sponsors.
Anyone needs any info or anything else hit me up.
More info to follow
(See Sig)

wish i was not that far...

Check your url in sig amigo :)

Stephane76 09-29-2006 05:14 PM

The banner shows Nov 18

Jimmidean 09-30-2006 08:13 AM

Thanks for the info we hade to move the daye up.
I will fix that today.The date will be Sat Oct 28.

Kenny B 10-01-2006 02:22 PM

Sounds like fun, I hope to make it this year!

Jimmidean 10-02-2006 02:18 PM


Check your url in sig amigo
Thanks Stephane76

Stephane76 10-02-2006 02:48 PM

Little Bumpy para ti !

I am actually getting infos to see if i can join y'all !! :luv:

Jimmidean 10-02-2006 06:28 PM

Hit me up if you plan to come Steph, I will make sure you or anyone from Xnations gets to the VIP pre party and limo service from the hotel.
Any one needs any further info just hit me up at

Seska 10-03-2006 05:46 PM

I will be in Toronto that weekend. But have fun!

Vid Vicious 10-04-2006 05:35 PM

I d really like to cum .. you know . I always enjoy cummin .. But I have a clients Halloween bash to attend on the same night :( in montreal.
and then Im off to San Fran the Following weekend for an other Halloween bash for yet another client ...

Damn holiday season :)Why oh why am I so religious!!

Jimmidean 10-04-2006 08:38 PM

Dish the client and come on down Dude

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