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Funbrunette 10-02-2006 04:23 PM

So many shows so little time...
Ok let's face it there is way too many shows on tv right now...You'd have to spend your life on the couch in front of the tube to be able to watch them all...What are your favorites?

I'd have to go with Survior and Law and Order SVU other than that I don't have the time! :xpopcorn:

Pat_theBrat 10-02-2006 06:02 PM

From the subject line I thought this was a biz thread :laughout:

I don't rely on tv for shows. I prefer to buy the good ones on DVD. Much easier to manage how much you wanna watch.

and there are no commercials.

Terrence 10-02-2006 07:19 PM

I love my DVR gives me freedom :)

Panky 10-02-2006 07:24 PM

I was hooked on Law & Order & NYPD Blue. I even watched the reruns time and time again. I like the Law & Order CI and the L&W SVU, but haven't watched too many episodes of them.

My "must watch" shows right now are The Wire and Family Jewels. I just recently got introduced to Prison Break, so that may become added to my "must watch" list. Other than that, I'm not much of a TV watcher. Too many shows abolutely suck and it just seems like there are way more commercials airing than before.

Slippery 10-02-2006 11:53 PM

Seinfeld in Spanish. Now that's funny!

gnat69 10-03-2006 07:53 AM

I am hooked on Robot Chicken, The Venture Bros., LOST, ATM, House is a HUGE yes!!!

Funbrunette 10-03-2006 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Slippery
Seinfeld in Spanish. Now that's funny!

I've seen friends is spanish, that was equally funny! :laughout:

Vid Vicious 10-03-2006 08:51 AM

family Guy is still part of my must see tv programing

pawsregd 10-03-2006 09:04 AM

Prison Break and American Choppers are my only must see shows every week. Other shows I enjoy are Deadliest Catch, How It's Made, Sea Hunters, Frontiers of Construction and pretty much anything on Discovery and National Geographics

TheEnforcer 10-03-2006 01:50 PM

The best shows on tv are:

Boston Legal
How I Met your Mother

Those three shows have the best characters on tv. Dr Gregory House, Denny Crane, Alan Shore, and Barney are the most entertaining charcaters on tv.

other really good shows:

Battlestar Galactican (non sci-fi fans and critics love the show and are pushing for non sci-fi people to watch it)
Grey's Anatomy

Shows that will likely be added to the list:

The Nine

Stephane76 10-03-2006 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pat_theBrat
From the subject line I thought this was a biz thread :laughout:

I don't rely on tv for shows. I prefer to buy the good ones on DVD. Much easier to manage how much you wanna watch.

and there are no commercials.

i am the same way
And i cant stand commercials either

i do watch HBO every Sunday Night tho

Seska 10-03-2006 05:39 PM

I have a show a night just about.

Monday - Prison Break
Tuesday - Gilmore Girls (plus James encourages me to watch Boston Legal with him)
Wednesday - LOST
Thursday - Survivor (also because of James) & Smallville (just because I think Tom Welling is handsome)

I am also a fan of The Hour so when that starts up I will be watching.

Quagmire 10-03-2006 08:02 PM

I am watching Heroes on Monday, nothing on Tuesday, Jericho & Lost on Wednesday, Survivor on Thursday and nothing on Friday.

Weekends I watch The usual cartoon suspects.

I have to agree with Gnat, Robot Chicken is funny as hell, its just too bad they show the same ones over and over and over and...

My favorite one so far is the car pool sketch when Skeletor lets a nice fart rip and locks the windows. TV just doesn't get any better than that.

xxxmalouxxx 10-03-2006 08:51 PM

ok.. I had to ask my sistah to record some of my fave shows.. hehe.. I wish I have more time... and yeah the right time to be a couch potato..

TheEnforcer 10-03-2006 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Seska
I have a show a night just about.

Monday - Prison Break
Tuesday - Gilmore Girls (plus James encourages me to watch Boston Legal with him)
Wednesday - LOST
Thursday - Survivor (also because of James) & Smallville (just because I think Tom Welling is handsome)

I am also a fan of The Hour so when that starts up I will be watching.

damn..how could I forget Smallville? Probably because the 6th season's 1st episode that was on last thursday was the first episode I've watched on tv. Watched the first 5 seasons on DVD over the course of the summer.

Evil Chris 10-03-2006 10:45 PM

The biggest premier night of the fall is tomorrow (Wednesday) night.

LOST - 9pm eastern!!!

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