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Terrence 10-02-2006 07:17 PM

I've returned
I been away for a while but I notice Xnations is busier than ever. It's good to be home.


Panky 10-02-2006 07:32 PM

Welcome home! http://www.icando4u.com/smile/wave2.gif

Quagmire 10-02-2006 07:38 PM

Me too! I've been away for a little while.

I've missed the place and I'm glad to be back. :happy:

Slippery 10-02-2006 11:53 PM

Welcome back Terrence! :)

xxxmalouxxx 10-03-2006 01:18 AM

Welcome back....!

Evil Chris 10-03-2006 08:41 AM

Hi Terrence... nice to see you around again.

Funbrunette 10-03-2006 08:46 AM

Welcome back fellows! :happy:

Sultrychloe 10-03-2006 08:50 AM

I've been away for a while too but I love xnations. It's a friendly place and very informative :-)

Sultrychloe 10-03-2006 08:50 AM

I've been away for a while too but I love xnations. It's a friendly place and very informative :-)

qUeenBeE 10-04-2006 03:22 AM

glad to have you back! :)

Stephane76 10-04-2006 09:15 AM

Nice ! Welcome back Terrence.

Terrence 10-04-2006 02:02 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :)

Pat_theBrat 10-04-2006 02:57 PM

welcome back

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