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Devilporn 10-04-2006 10:40 AM

Submitpasses adds 2 new sites. Smokin' Movies and Pornthunder
Submit Passes is pleased to announce the addition of two hot new sites, Smokin Movies and PornThunder.


Porn thunder is a thumb site, all galleries are listed according to popularity. This site gets on average 220,000 uniques per day and sends 800,000 to galleries! It has been online since 2003 (formerly 1200sex.com). A submit pass costs $30/month and you can submit 1 gallery per day.


Smokin' Movies gets about 220k uniques per day on average. 5000 daily SE traffic, roughly 3000 from Google and 2000 from Yahoo! The pass costs 30$/month and allows 1 submission per category a day so that's 24 galleries PER day total!

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