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-   -   Radical Cash Increases Payouts up to $35 Per Sale and up to 70% Recurring! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=16382)

Yo Adrian 10-19-2006 04:57 PM

Radical Cash Increases Payouts up to $35 Per Sale and up to 70% Recurring!
Radical Cash Announces New Higher Payouts...

We have just increased payouts to all of our programs at Radical Cash. You can now earn up to $35 per sale and up to 70% recurring. We have also recently added another tier to our webmaster referral program which now pays up to 15% of revenue.

Earning more for every sale you make is as easy as sending only 3-4 sales a day. We have setup 2 levels for bonus payouts: Level 1 pays an extra $5.00 or 5% for all sales sent in a pay period. Level 2 pays an extra $10.00 or 10% for all sales. To get bumped up to Level 1 payouts you only need to send around 3-4 sales a day and around 6-8 a day to reach Level 2.

... and More New Marketing Tools

To help you make the sales needed to get bumped up to higher payout levels we have just added over 100 new banners and dozens of new HPA's for all of our sites, which have been specifically designed for all of our new alternative tours. Also, if you would like custom designed banners in any size to match your sites just let me know & I'll have one of our full time designers take care of you.

If you haven't looked at Radical Cash for awhile you should take a minute to check it out. It's completely new and now offers 7 unique sites, all featuring exclusive content we shoot ourselves in our San Diego studio, and 18 alternative tours to choose from. We have new console free tours that pay up to $30 per sale or 60% recurring as well as new hosted galleries, free hosting, free content and new incentives including free copies of Advanced Submitter and Partner Requester.

Take a moment to check out the New Radical Cash and if you have any questions, or need anything to help improve your sales, just let me know.

ICQ 316-754
MSN yooaadrian@msn.com
SKYPE yo_adrian.com
AIM yooaadrian
Y! yooaadrian

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