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-   -   PUSSYCASH NEWS:GENERATE 100s OF CUSTOM GALLERIES WITH OUR NEW GALLERY BUILDER (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=16387)

adamneve 10-20-2006 09:06 AM

After many long months of hard work, PussyCash has uploaded a killer new promotional gallery feature. This groundbreaking feature provides you with three tools to choose from:

1. Take ready-made galleries PussyCash has prepared for each site
  • Choose a site and program to retrieve ready-made galleries, retrieve all of the galleries available at PussyCash, or take the newest galleries added since the last time you logged in to PussyCash.
2. Create 100s of galleries from templates designed by PussyCash
  • Choose the template, landing page and content to create customized galleries for any PussyCash program to effectively target your users.
3. Create your own Master Gallery Template and generate 100s of galleries from your design
  • Build your own custom gallery templates from which you can create 100s of galleries in no time.
PussyCash even gives you the option of hosting your galleries at PussyCash or hosting them yourself.

This is the first time EVER that an affiliation program has given its webmasters carte blanche opportunity to create an endless amount of promotional galleries. Check out this great new feature and you'll realize that it's going to be a real money-maker for you. The brand new gallery feature is another way PussyCash enables you to promote every aspect of adult entertainment on the web. With a plethora of promotional tools that work, quality websites to promote and generous webmaster payouts, PussyCash is constantly striving to ensure higher profits for all of our affiliates.

If you're not a PussyCash affiliate, click here to become one now.

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