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Evil Chris 10-20-2006 11:36 AM

Academy Awards (2007)
Are there any films that really stood out for you this year that might dominate the Oscars?
I can't think of one worthy movie right now for the academy award for Best Picture.

I think it may end up being one of those years where some really sappy movies get nominated and win. Kinda like when it's the year for a crappy musical to win all the awards. Remember "Chicago", "Amadeus", "Moulin Rouge", and let's not forget the incredibly tacky "West Side Story".

The kind of movies that make us look back and go... "What on earth were we thinking?"

So let's see... what did we have this year that was good?
Pick out from this list from Wikipedia what you think might win something. (whether or not you think it deserves it)

Cars, by Pixar (maybe Best Picture!)
World Trade Center (I hope not)
All the Kings Men (because there may not be anything else)
Flags of our Fathers
The Departed (this one has a real shot)
A Good Year (yet to be released, but looks promising)
Apocalypto (if Mel Gibson hadn't revealed himself to be such an idiot, this movie might have gone all the way. Release date December 8)
The Good German (with George Clooney. Might be good)
The Good Shepherd (story of the birth of the CIA with an all star cast)

Obviously it's tough to judge movies we haven't seen yet, but it appears to me that the best of this Oscar year is yet to come as of the date of this thread.

The only guarantee I give is: Look for movies with the word "GOOD" in them to win Oscars this time around.... even if they aren't very "GOOD" motion pictures. :)

princess 10-20-2006 12:24 PM

You know, you're right. There weren't that many excellent movies this year. It will certainly be interesting to see which ones are up for it.

Sheri Santiago 10-20-2006 01:08 PM

I think Cars stands a very good chance. Cute movie, big names.

Evil Chris 10-20-2006 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sheri Santiago
I think Cars stands a very good chance. Cute movie, big names.

We're waiting for the DVD to be released on November 7th. Ryan has all kinds of toys, clothes, and other articles related to Cars.


SykkBoy 10-20-2006 02:48 PM

Flags of our Fathers looks really good and the Academy loves Clint Eastwood
The Departed was excellent and it would be nice to see Scorsese finally get some Academy love
I'm actually looking forward to Apocalypto

I know it'll never happen, but I'd love to see R. Lee Ermey get a nod for Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, I just loved his performance...sure he played pretty much they samecharacter he always plays, but he just sunk his teeth into the role added something extra.

Evil Chris 10-21-2006 02:16 PM

I hope "Flags" doesn't win anything. From here it just looks like a perfectly timed released movie by the Republican party in the face of a lot of scandal.


Gruntled 10-22-2006 12:13 AM

it's too late for it to be in the running, but I just got back from seeing The Prestige, with Hugh Jackman, and it was tops. I'd suggest it highly. They did a great job with it, great cast, awesome story.

Panky 10-22-2006 03:07 AM


Wow... slim pickings...

Magnus3x 10-23-2006 12:19 PM

- Flags of our Fathers <-- would be best cinematography, sound, maybe a nod for Berry Pepper.. and a nom for Best Director/Picture Clint Eastwood

- The Departed - best director, Martin has a big chance with this one, best picture as well, Leo may get a nod

Evil Chris 10-23-2006 01:22 PM

Magnus, you're probably right. There simply isn't much else to nonminate this year!

princess 10-23-2006 03:03 PM

I haven't seen cars yet.. Is it a good one?

xxxmalouxxx 10-23-2006 10:55 PM

whoa .. i missed cars.. I need to check that out

Sarah_MaxCash 10-25-2006 05:13 AM

When Children of Men comes out in the States (already out here) if that doesn't get some nomination it will be a joke.

A Scanner Darkly is the best 'animated' film.

Kenny B 10-25-2006 10:46 AM

Borat will take the cake, I can't wait to see it!

Nickatilynx 10-26-2006 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
Apocalypto (if Mel Gibson hadn't revealed himself to be such an idiot, this movie might have gone all the way. Release date December 8)

Here's a thing...

How does being an anti-semetic bigot detrimentally affect his film making ?

Some of the greatest directors , actors , artists , authors make Gibson look pretty tame.

Romam Polanski ,for example, is a fugitive from the US wanted for Child rape.
But he won the Oscar for Best Director in 2002.

People went to see his film and admired it so much his peers gave him an Oscar. LOL

But then..on the ranking order an alcholic bigot it would appear in this day and age is a far worse thing to be than a child molestor. .....

Kenny B 10-26-2006 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
Here's a thing...

How does being an anti-semetic bigot detrimentally affect his film making ?

Some of the greatest directors , actors , artists , authors make Gibson look pretty tame.

Romam Polanski ,for example, is a fugitive from the US wanted for Child rape.
But he won the Oscar for Best Director in 2002.

People went to see his film and admired it so much his peers gave him an Oscar. LOL

But then..on the ranking order an alcholic bigot it would appear in this day and age is a far worse thing to be than a child molestor. .....

It's because Hollywood is run by Jews :laughout:

wildgirl 10-28-2006 12:18 AM

I think cars is a good one :)

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