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lulu 11-08-2006 03:54 PM

Daily Show vs Colbert Report
I watched last night's 1 hr combined election show. It was pretty good. Colbert's gawdy, gold frame. lol. In general, I prefer Jon Stuart. Your opinion?

Evil Chris 11-08-2006 04:01 PM

Hey Lulu! Nice to see ya here.

I'm with you. I much prefer the comedic talents of Jon Stewart. He has a lot of Johnny Carson in him I find. Maybe that's the appeal, I dunno. Colbert is fine. He has his moments.

I didn't watch it last night, but I think my DVR grabbed it. I will have to check it out.

Kenny B 11-13-2006 04:27 PM

I enjoy the daily show better for the most part but Colbert is funny, I think Colbert needs a few more years and he'll be just as good if not better.

Vid Vicious 11-14-2006 12:08 PM

depends... I enjoy them both .. But I do tend to sway more for Jon

twinkley 11-14-2006 03:00 PM

Oh man .... do I really have to CHOOSE??

I love them both .... jon has more of a dry, sarcastic wit while colbert is just balls-to-the-wall hilarious .... way over the top, which is perfect for him and his show.

I would have to say as of right-now, i would prolly go colbert over stuart, only cause im not thrilled with the new group of "correspondents" over at the Daily Show. I think most of them are ehh at best.


lulu 11-14-2006 07:57 PM

i just like stuart's style better. colbert's egomania persona just gets to me after a while. lots of funny "reporters" on daily show. :laughout:

Evil Chris 11-14-2006 10:53 PM

hahaha..... You jackin it?
I saw this bit on the Daily Show awhile back.... LOL

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/iIdg2talHT8"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/iIdg2talHT8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

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