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Funbrunette 11-09-2006 01:53 PM

Your biggest fear...
What is it? I would have to say being eaten alive by a big a great white. :scram:

http://www.cdnn.info/news/shark_great_white_250163e.jpg That's why I stay on the beach not in the ocean...lol

Don Soporno 11-09-2006 02:19 PM

I have a couple, one of which is sharks.

Being caught on fire and drowning while I am being eaten by a shark... that would suck big time.

lulu 11-09-2006 02:28 PM

a workout led by susan powter and richard simmons!

Slippery 11-09-2006 03:23 PM

Sharks would be right up there. I never really thought about it before!
When I think of being buried alive, I always think about Kill Bill Vol 2.

Funbrunette 11-09-2006 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by lulu
a workout led by susan powter and richard simmons!

:laughout: :laughout: :laughout: Lulu je suis morte de rire!!!!!

Terrence 11-09-2006 03:31 PM

A large woman with a strapon :scram:

Sid 11-09-2006 03:52 PM

Burning alive or starvation

Nickatilynx 11-09-2006 10:14 PM

I used to have a dream when my eldest daughter was 2 that she had managed to squeeze through the gap in the railings on the balcony of this hotel we used to stay in a lot , and that i had grabbed her arm but it was slowly slipping through my fingers.

So thats my biggest fear , losing one of my children.

Hmmm wonder what the dream means....LOL

xxxmalouxxx 11-09-2006 10:51 PM

growing old alone.. is the biggest fear I have right now..

btw, sharks freak me out.. that's why I never surfed or travel by sea

Ronaldo 11-10-2006 02:37 PM

Losing a child

Panky 11-10-2006 11:34 PM

My biggest fear is the fear of being trapped with no way to escape. Sharks are up there on the list too, however, the fear of being bitten and/or eaten alive hasn't kept me out of the water though.

BobChezule 11-11-2006 05:05 AM

Spiders! I have an insane, irrational fear of spiders. I don't live in a place where I'd encounter the deadly variety, but even the little creepy crawlers freak me out.

qUeenBeE 11-12-2006 10:24 PM

snakes always give me the creeps...

Funbrunette 11-13-2006 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by qUeenBeE
snakes always give me the creeps...

Yeah snakes are right up there for me too! I encountered a few this summer and it was a BIG deal, took me a while to go back in the yard without knee high boots....lol :geez:

Quagmire 11-13-2006 12:23 PM

Waking up with a priest lying on top of me.

Seriously though, burning to death. I am not a fan of that thought at all.

twinkley 11-13-2006 03:11 PM

Being bitten (or having one of the cats be bitten) by one of these bad boys.


I'm guessing you don't have TOO many sharks up there in Montreal .... Brown Recluse spiders are native to florida .... they are nasty little fuckers and can seriously mess you up if you dont know you have been bitten and do something about it RIGHT AWAY. They have enuf venom in them to kill our cats pretty quickly ....


More info on these little bastards: http://www.spiderzrule.com/recluse1.htm

GROSSSSSS I Have the heebie-jeebies now just LOOKING at that page ... YUCK!


DonMike 11-14-2006 03:19 PM

I have a fear of being alone. Some years ago when I lived in Pittsburgh I was caught in a snowstorm. This was the early 90's, no internet, no computer, no cell phone. I was stuck in my apartment all alone and I didn't even have cable. It got so bad that I called everyone I knew and kept telling them to just stay on the phone with me. I was miserable. At that time I never spent any time alone. I went out on the weekends and almost every weeknight. I was never home. These days I'm much better about spending time with myself but I do have the internet, so if I have to be alone I can still chat with people and it's not so bad. I had a computer go bad on me once and I felt like my portal to the world had been cut off. I felt really isolated. It was very strange.

I'm also afraid of drowning.

wildgirl 11-15-2006 07:54 AM

my biggest fear is losing one of my loved one...

Mr. Burns 11-15-2006 08:00 PM

I'm afraid of the stock market crashing...or losing my perfect AAA credit rating.

... i'm even more scared of the way Smithers looks at me when I'm changing clothes or exiting the mens room.

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