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Jay[neX] 01-24-2003 09:39 AM

neXpectation Launches - Press Release

A New Affiliate Program Where Webmasters Can Keep Track and Analyze Their Traffic Easier Than Ever Before

VICTORIA, BC. - Jan. 24, 2003 - NEXPECTATION, (TM)- www.nexpectation.com , a product developed by Inicient, Inc., has announced the launch of their innovative new Affiliate Program. It allows its webmasters to better analyze and track their traffic through their “Start New Campaign” (TM) feature.

Free weekly Direct Deposit or Wire Transfer is available to its webmasters from: Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States - for any amount owed over $100.00.

Free Bannerless Hosting, neXbucks (TM) points, Rewards Store, Free Video Content, Hosted TGP Movie/Picture Galleries are only a few of the features it has to offer.

HYPNOTRICK, (TM) - www.hypnotrick.com , a new Reality Porn Site, serve as the flag ship site of NEXPECTATION.

Company president Jean-Sebastien Michaud says, "The added advantage of NEXPECTATION is that you benefit from an affiliate program with the most useful features in the industry and high-converting Reality Porn sites combined."


The company is privately owned and located at Scotia Building 7th Floor - 747 Fort Street Victoria, BC Canada.

For more information on NEXPECTATION, visit www.nexpectation.com or call 866-JOIN-NEX.

Evil Chris 01-24-2003 10:15 AM

Congratulations Jay...
I know you guys have been working on this for quite awhile now.
Looks solid! Best of luck with it!! :xthumbs:

Jay[neX] 01-24-2003 10:20 AM

Thanks Chris :)

slater 01-24-2003 10:40 AM

This new program looks good. Lot's of features.
Is there an affiliate referral program in place?

Jay[neX] 01-24-2003 11:32 AM


Originally posted by slater
This new program looks good. Lot's of features.
Is there an affiliate referral program in place?

Not yet. We should have one within a few months.

Meanwhile, you can enjoy awesome convertions with HypnoTrick :)

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