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Funbrunette 11-21-2006 09:31 AM

Arrrrg! I lost my digital camera!
:confused: Completely M.I.A Guess I'll be adding that to my christmas gift list!

Funbrunette 11-21-2006 09:38 AM

http://www.teltarif.de/arch/2006/kw36/blackbeere-1m.gif Acts as a camera as well....

Dear Santa...

Terrence 11-21-2006 03:48 PM

Hope you find it Miss Funbrunette. Nice new avatar BTW! Ho!ho!ho!

Vid Vicious 11-21-2006 05:55 PM

I've lost two in the last year ... They should make Digi cams with a buildt in clapper .. so you can easily find it when trashed out of your mind ... LOL

Sarah_MaxCash 11-22-2006 05:09 AM

I once left my digital camera in the back of a cab in Brussels on the last day of my trip. It still hurts if I think about it.

Stephane76 11-22-2006 12:29 PM

argghhhh caca ! sorry to hear that !

i can recommend the Sony Cybershot DSCP200 (7.2MP ) doing wonders for me, can even take nice videos, ok santa Chris? "hint hint"

Here s small clip i took couple weeks ago : http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...88994781221391

Funbrunette 11-22-2006 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Stephane76
argghhhh caca ! sorry to hear that !

i can recommend the Sony Cybershot DSCP200 (7.2MP ) doing wonders for me, can even take nice videos, ok santa Chris? "hint hint"

Here s small clip i took couple weeks ago : http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...88994781221391

ROFL!!!!!:laughout: Great video...Couldn't help but laugh when I heard you crack up Caca!

DonMike 11-22-2006 12:59 PM

Awww, that really sucks. I'm sorry to hear that FB. :(

wildgirl 11-23-2006 06:01 PM

awww sorry to hear that...hope you can still find it girl

Evil Chris 11-23-2006 10:06 PM

It's crazy how that camera can just disappear. We're pretty much out of ideas on where it could be!

Time to get a new one I guess. :)

Slippery 11-23-2006 11:33 PM

oh that's not good to lose a digital camera. Those are not cheap to replace either. Did I say replace? I meant upgrade!

Funbrunette 11-28-2006 12:58 PM

We found it! It was stuck between the couch pillows! :) But I still want a new camera phone now....lol

DonMike 11-28-2006 01:10 PM

Um... Funbrunette. Those aren't pillows!!!

Funbrunette 11-28-2006 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by DonMike
Um... Funbrunette. Those aren't pillows!!!

Yup! I pulled a Steve Martin there...lol :laughout:

DonMike 11-28-2006 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette
Yup! I pulled a Steve Martin there...lol :laughout:

Yay!!!! You got it!


kaimai 11-28-2006 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette
We found it! It was stuck between the couch pillows! :) But I still want a new camera phone now....lol

Take a picture of it so you know where it is at all times.

Stephane76 11-28-2006 02:52 PM


Terrence 11-28-2006 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Stephane76

LMAO! :laughout: :laughout: :laughout: :laughout:

spideriux 11-28-2006 05:03 PM

sorry to hear that sweetie :(

Funbrunette 11-28-2006 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Stephane76

Tes fou!!!! :laughout: Je suis completement morte de rire! :worthy:

Vid Vicious 11-29-2006 09:11 AM

I'm gonna pick up one of those credit card size 7.0 mp cameras .. sweet !

BuggyG 11-29-2006 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Stephane76
argghhhh caca ! sorry to hear that !

i can recommend the Sony Cybershot DSCP200 (7.2MP ) doing wonders for me, can even take nice videos, ok santa Chris? "hint hint"

Here s small clip i took couple weeks ago : http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...88994781221391

Nice try in imitating Borat!

ps. BORAT FOR PRESIDENT!!! :laughout:

BuggyG 11-29-2006 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette
http://www.teltarif.de/arch/2006/kw36/blackbeere-1m.gif Acts as a camera as well....

Dear Santa...

Now if only Bell Mobility carried it
checked their site.. nothing
will have to call and ask it'll be able to get connected to the network
or if I get it unlocked will it work

DAMN YOU!! Now I wanna spend more $$$$
Not that I mind.. visa not for another month :laughout:

Sultrychloe 11-29-2006 01:04 PM

Yes that is a nice looking phone indeed. Glad you found your camera girl!

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