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Visualad 12-08-2006 11:03 AM

Mel Gibsons New Movie Seem Really COOL!
Check it out:


I love movies like this.. Cant wait to see it. ;-)

Evil Chris 12-08-2006 11:16 AM

I want to see it also.
Kinda reminds me of that movie Quest For Fire.

Funbrunette 12-08-2006 11:27 AM

Sorry guys I think I'll pass on this one saw the previews and it just doesn't do anything for me. I'll wait to see what the reviews have to say!

Vid Vicious 12-09-2006 01:59 PM

you don't know cus your in Europe and all .. But Mel Gibson is so Last year. after that Christ movie and his latest comments on Religions other then his. I seriously wouldn't want to see his views on the nativity scene

carol.prime 12-09-2006 02:33 PM

After the Passion of the Christ, I was again waiting for a new film by Mel Gibson ... and after for a long period of time, finally...Apocalypto come into the movie scenes...i haven't seen this film yet but based through the films that Mel Gibson had directed (Braveheart,The Patriot,Passion of the Christ) it will surely be a hit, not only based on the mainstream target market but also in the hearts of a true film enthusiast... :knight:

Terrence 12-09-2006 03:41 PM

Haven't seen the previews, but I'm not a fan of Gibson

shima 12-11-2006 05:58 AM

I like Mel Gibson, as an actor. He always plays the touching roles.. Like a man that I always wanted to be, but never will :)

gabrio 12-11-2006 10:10 AM

i was just trying to figure out who posted that link eh eh.... for me it looks very promising, plus i like the Maya culture and all...

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