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Sarah_MaxCash 12-11-2006 05:33 AM

Special offer on new Ultralight paysite designs from Webinc.com !
Webinc.com knows that not every webmaster wanting to start a paysite is looking for an ultra slick design or the price tag that goes with it.

So, Webinc.com has launched a new type of paysite design package called Ultralight Paysite Design. Ultralight paysites are designed for those webmasters looking for an amateur alternative to their adult paysite without the 'professional touch' and those working with a limited budget.

In order to introduce these new Ultralight Paysite Designs we are offering two special deals on the Ultralight Paysite packages.

The Ultralight Paysite design deals are:

Ultralight Reality Paysite Package includes:

* header with logo
* footer
* episode box template

Total cost: $599

Ultralight Standard Paysite Package includes:

* splash page with logo
* join page

Total cost: $649

PLUS for a limited time only when you order an Ultralight Paysite Design package we will throw in 5 FREE banner or buttons designs!

If you need any help or have any questions feel free to contact me at sarah@webinc.com or on icq at 232834291 .

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