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Evil Chris 12-11-2006 09:37 PM

blogging... Is the honeymoon over?
We don't seem to hear near as much about blogs as we once did.
In fact, the vast majority of my incoming SE traffic is NOT going to blogs anymore. I'm noticing that fewer of them are being created as compared to two years ago when they were crazy popular.

I'll admit, I haven't been making any new blogs lately.

Terrence 12-12-2006 08:06 AM

Blogs are now a thing of the past they're not nearly as popular as they were a year ago, wonder what's next!

Slippery 12-12-2006 10:08 AM

I never got into blogging much so I'm curious to see what people say.

I do read a few of them occasionally though.

Funbrunette 12-12-2006 02:08 PM

I keep up my blog, but not as much as I once did...Whot the hell has time to read it anyway...lol :laughout:

Panky 12-12-2006 05:19 PM

Blogging is still in. Just take a look at Netpond, for example. New people are all taught to go into blogging because TGP/MGP isn't what it used to be. Blogging is cheap and conversion ratios are lower.

Sponsors are continually offering RSS feeds, offering up blogs and such to cater to the blogging affiliates.

Blogging is still very profitable, if done correctly. What will change is all the splogs that are online. Some people launched blogs without having a clue as to what a blog really is or really how to write for the engines. Many people turned blogs into mini TGP/MGP sites. Some bloggers have good traffic and can make their splogs profitable, but those who can't, will let their sites go. They will either implement auto-updates or just completely let it die and move onto something else.

Vid Vicious 12-12-2006 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Panky
Blogging is still in. Just take a look at Netpond, for example. New people are all taught to go into blogging because TGP/MGP isn't what it used to be. Blogging is cheap and conversion ratios are lower.

Sponsors are continually offering RSS feeds, offering up blogs and such to cater to the blogging affiliates.

Blogging is still very profitable, if done correctly. What will change is all the splogs that are online. Some people launched blogs without having a clue as to what a blog really is or really how to write for the engines. Many people turned blogs into mini TGP/MGP sites. Some bloggers have good traffic and can make their splogs profitable, but those who can't, will let their sites go. They will either implement auto-updates or just completely let it die and move onto something else.

I wanna Blog too .. can someone help me with this ?

Evil Chris 12-12-2006 07:58 PM

Interesting thoughts Panky, however I'd have to say that TGP and MGPs are still quite profitable. Current TGP/MGP owners would have newbies believe otherwise though. ;)

Panky 12-12-2006 08:30 PM

I agree TGP & MGP is still quite profitable. It's just that blogging is easier and less expensive for people to break into. It's not necessarily the owners of these sites who are expressing the views. Owners want the submitters, site pass buyers, and possible trade partners. It boils down to conversion ratios. Some people do better with blog traffic than they do with TGP/MGP traffic.

Evil Chris 12-13-2006 08:38 AM

I have no doubt about that, and you're right about it being more complicated to play the TGP/MGP game now. It can be expensive too if you consider the script to run it, a design you might want to pay for, a trade script (those are pricey), and maybe even throw in a seperate toplist script although the better trade scripts include them.

Mish 12-15-2006 12:44 PM

I definitely don't think blogging is dead... it may go through many metamorphosises in the near future, but not even close to being obsolete... I learned a new word the other day - Vlogs... for all the video sites that are now popping up all over... for someone who pushes live content, the opportunities out there are endless.

Nicolette Jordan 12-15-2006 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious
I wanna Blog too .. can someone help me with this ?

and me?

great discussion everyone. I am just learning about blogs. thanks for posting your thoughts.

Evil Chris 12-15-2006 03:30 PM

Nicolette, check out www.blogger.com and get yourself an account.

Getting a blog set up is very easy.
I have about 20 of them at Blogspot.

Vid Vicious 12-15-2006 09:36 PM

Hey chris can you link out to adult sponcors thru that service ?

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