Vid Vicious |
12-12-2006 06:43 PM |
Originally Posted by Panky
I think what is being asked is something along the lines of, "Just because you offer a niche on your site, do you know how to cater to the lovers of that niche? Trip their triggers so to speak.".
I d like to think that I do ... I would guess this is more of a content producers job ..
Heres the short of it...
As a content producer, I can easly attest to the fact that I am a pervert (i m sure that many xnationers that know me, will agree) ...
That being said when I approache a new project I try to put myself in the viewers/customers shoes .. What would he like to see happen within this niche/action. This isnt an easy task .. since within any specific niche you will find the Viewers tastes vary depending on location, marital status ..etc ... Hense why you will see more Hot Model type babes with Thick lips and big fake boobs .. this seems to be what the majority wants .. so we try to cater to it. Personally I can tell you I like em both Big tits, fake tits and even itty bitty ones. Its more the WHOLE package I look for.
So If for example I m shooting content for a Foot fetish site, I ll try and fill the content with different types of girls (unless I have an anal client that wants to pick and chose the girls that go on his site) doing this allows for a wide veriety of viewers within that same niche ...